Here are some secrets of [SM] HQ.
 This is striker's house. The gate prevents people from getting inside. However, there is a way to get in.
 Go to striker's room in the HQ.
 See Amy?
 Get close and press the "use" button (spacebar).
 In here there is a room that requires a password...
 The password is fairly easy, and in the room is a nuke launcher, around $720, gasoline, a fart grenade, and 3 molotov cocktails.
 Next is this picture...
(Picture cannot be shown!) Wow look! BOOBIES! This is Striker's Hentai room, not only is there hentai on the walls, but there is a fairly useful weapon in there too.
 The needler.
 Last, the noisy cricket. It is impossible to get!
 When you destroy the ROFLCOPTER, the noisy cricket gets lowered for use.
Comment please.
swordman2 · Sat Jun 21, 2008 @ 05:29am · 1 Comments |