Thank you for the comments everyone. ^_^ They helped cheer me up a lot, and I don't have to deal with him this weekend because he's away at a tournament in Washington. ^_^
But now... onto other things that scare the bejeebers out of me.
I chatted with sephirothgal for a couple of hours last night. It was fun talking to another person.. eventually, we got on the topic of mods, and how some are inactive, some stay hidden, some don't moderate, and one or two want to quit. No big right?
Well, she's in the same predicament as me. People always think we'd make good mods. Of course, I think she'd make a better mod than me...
To be honest, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be one, but... could I really give up what I have?...
Anyway, now for the part that scared me tonight.
Quote: SexyMaiKG: you a mod on gaia? YamiRyuuNa: Mmm... no. How come? SexyMaiKG: i dunno how come your not YamiRyuuNa: That's very kind of you to say. But no, I'm not a moderator on Gaia except in the GEN guild. SexyMaiKG: oh gomen ne SexyMaiKG: I aplogize for bothering you YamiRyuuNa: It's okay. ^_^
All I have to say is... gonk
Aquafire · Sat Nov 06, 2004 @ 07:14am · 6 Comments |