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another boring day in the life of me...
this is about what ever
A really long Hiroshima english report i mean really long
The Bombing of Hiroshima

The bombing of Hiroshima was devastating. In this report you will learn about what HIroshima was like in the past and what it is like now in te present, the events that led to creation of the nuclear bomb, the testing of the nuclear bomb, the after math of the bomb dropping on Hiroshima, and the peace promotions that the mayor of Hiroshima is making to stop nuclear warfare.
Hiroshima is the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture. A prefecture is like a state. It is the largest city in the Chugoku Region of Western Honshu, the largest of the three islands. Hiroshma was founded by Mori Terumoto on the coast of Seto Inland Sea in 1598. Mori Terumoto made it his capital and had Hiroshima Castle quickly built. Mori Terumoto lost at the battle of Sekigahora and lost most of his lands including Hiroshima ("HIroshima" wink . As the Japanese economy shifted from rural to urban, Hiroshima became a major urban center. After Ujina Harbor was constructed in the 1880's HIroshima became an important port city. The Sanyo Railroad was extended to HIroshima in 1894. A rail line from the main station to the harbor was constructed for military transportation during the first Sino Japanese war. The Hiroshima Prefectural commercial exhibition hall was constructed in 1915 as a center for trade and exhibition of new products. The name was changed twice, once to Hiroshim Prefectural Product Exhibition Hall and again to Hiroshima industrial Promotion Hall. Hiroshima is the center of industry in the Chugoku and the Shikoku Region. Hiroshima International Airport is used for transportation during the first Sino Japanese. Cotton mills were established in Hiroshima in the late 1800's. During the Russo-Japanese War, further industrialization required development and production of military supplies. The Hiroshima Prefectural Commercial ehibition hall was constructed in 1915 as a center for trade and exhibition of new products. The name was changed twice, once to Hiroshima prefectural product exhibition hall and again to Hiroshima industrial promotion hall ("Hiroshima" wink . Hiroshima is the center of industry in the chugoku and the shikaku region. Hiroshima international airport is used for transportation of goods. Its manufacturing industry produces Mazda car parts and industrial equipment. Mazda makes many models in Hiroshima for worldwide export. Hiroshima has a professional symphony orchestra which has performed at Wel City Hiroshima since 1963. Hiroshima has many museums along with several art museums including Hiroshima Museum of Art. Hiroshima also has festivals including: Hiroshima flower festival and Hiroshima International festival. Hiroshima's castle contains things from the Edo period. Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine is within the walls of the castle. hiroshima is known for okonomyaki cooked on a hot plate. Okonomyaki is a Japanese dish consisting of a pan fried batter cake and various ingredients. Okonami means "what you like" or "what you want" and yaki means grilled or cooked. The name of the dish means cook what you like. The chugoku shimbun is the local newspaper in Hiroshima. Some television stations in Hiroshima are: Hiroshima home tv, tv shinhiroshima, and the ROC Broadcasting Company. Radio stations include: Hiroshima fm, chugoku communication network, fm fukuyama, ITSUKAICHI community broadcast and chimichi fm. Hiroshima also has Japans public broadcaster, NHLS with television and radio broadcasting. Hiroshima also has many professional sports teams. The Hiroshima Togo carp are the six time baseball champions of Japans central league and has won the Japan series three times. mazda has a minor control of the team. The carp play at hiroshima municiple stadium in central hiroshima. Sanfrecce Hiroshima is the cities japanese professional football and soccer team. J.T. Thunders is the volleyball team. Hiroshima University was established in 1949 as a part of trying to bring back the education system. one national University was set up in each prefecture ("HIroshima" wink .
In Paris France, 1896- x rays, recently discovered, caused flourescent minerals to glow in the dark. Physicist Henri Becquesel wondered if exposure to xrays made flourescent minerals glow, did glowing flourescent minerals give off xrays? Following up earlier tests, Becquerel sealed photographic plates in light-tight aluminum holders and put them with mineral on top inside a dard drawer. Growing impatient while waiting for a sunny day to start the flourescence, he went ahead and developed the plates anyway. To his immense surprise , shadows of the specimen appeared with great intensity. Becquerel immediately knew he had hit upon something brand new. The images on his plates were not caused by flourescence or by x-rays . Becquerel soon learned that the key ingrediants of the minerals he used were uranium compounds ("Conrad" wink . Becquerel's friend and fellow physicist in Paris, Pierre curie, together with his polish born wife marie sklodowslsa curie soon began a lifelong study of the mysterious penetrating Becquerel Rays. They isolated new radio active elements from uranium, plutonium and rodium. Over the next 30 years, experiments slowly discovered more secrets of the atom ("Conrad" wink . By 1897-1920, natural radio activity was sorted into three types called: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. after the first three letters of the greek alphabet.Aslo the negativity charged electron was discovered. New Zealander Earnes Rutherford found that an atom has a massive core known as the nucleus. Protons with a positive charge were located there. In 1932, James chodwick discovered the neutron in the nucleus. the neutron has the same mass as a proton but has no electric charge. Neutrons explained the existance of isotopes. Isotopes are atoms that are chemically identical but, vary in weight because they have a different number of neutrons in the nuclei ("Conrad" wink . In 1943-1944 seperating plutonium from uranium looked to be easier than sifting out U235 atoms. For the production of plutonium, Oakridge would not have enough room. As many as six nuclear reactors and three plutonium seperation plants might be needed, so general groves sent his staff looking for more land. Their search of major western rivers with hydro electric power plants led them to a desert like area in southeast washington. They chose a spot on the west bank of the columbia river famous for its salmon. It was isolated and sparsely populated. It was near plenty of electric power and fresh cold water to cool the reactors. Groves was given the go-ahead and start building ("Conrad" wink . Construction workers were recruited from all over the United States, creating a camp of 45,000 residents on an area more than half as large as the state of Rhode Island. The building of the reactor was tightly secured and looked like a prison camp with miles of high barbed wire fences and armed guards at the gates. Winters were freezing, summers wer incredibly hot and the camp was attacked by swarms of insects and hit by sandstorms. The workers had no clue what they were building. On september 13, Enrico Fermi had the honor of inserting the first uranium fuel slug into an industrial strength nuclear reactor. The nuclear reactor would soon be making plutonium for atomic bombs ("Conrad" wink . The worlds first nuclear detonation was scheduled for 9:00 am at a place Oppenheimer code named trinity site. It was 160 miles south of Los Alamos, an a section of the bobming and gunnery range of the new Alamagordo Army Air Field. The desolet area was called Jornado del muerto , the Journey of the Dead. They had to wait for the storms to die down and they did at 4:45am. they agreed to fire at 5:30am. The firing team unlocked and set the timing and sequence circuts. They immediatly retreated to an underground bunker six miles from the test area. The bomb was dropped and a tremendous flash and brilliant flare lit the desert brighter than the noon time sun ("Conrad" wink .
In the morning of August 6, 1945, a b-29 bomb named Enola Gay took off from the island of Tinian and headed northwest towards Japan. The bombers objective was to bomb the city of Hiroshima. Hiroshima had a population of 300,000 and was an important military center, containing about 43,000 soldiers. The bomber was piloted by the commander of the 509th composite group, Colonel Paul Tibbets. At appoximately 8:15 a.m., Hiroshima time, the Enola Gay dropped "little Boy" on the city of Hiroshima. Little Boy was a 9,700 pound uranium bomb. After the bomb was dropped colonel Tibbets immediately to avoid the shock wave. Around 43 seconds later after the bomb was dropped a huge explosion detonated 1,900 feet above the city of hiroshima. The shock wave was so incredible that the Enola Gay was rocked by it eleven and a half miles away. the explosion was equivalent to 15 tons of tnt ("The Manhattan Project" wink . In hiroshima moments before the blast it was a calm and sunny Monday morning. The people closest to the explosion instantly died, their bodies were turned to black char. Any birds nearby burst into flames in mid-air, and dry combustable materials, such as paper, instantly ignited as far away os 6,400 feet from ground zero. The white light given off from the explosion acted as a giant flash bulb burning the dark pattern of clothing onto skin and the shadows of bodies onto walls. Survivors outdoors close to the blast generally described it as a literally blinding light combined with a sudden and overwhelming wave of heat. those indoors were spared the flash burns, but glass would be flying everywhere. Even the strongest buildings would collapse. In the bombing, 78,150 people were killed and 9,420 people were seriously injured ("The Manhattan Project" wink .
To help prevent this from ever happening again the city has sought to spread the facts of the bombing to the world and now seek to build a 21st century of peace and humanity free from nuclear weapons. Every year on August6, the city of Hiroshima holds a peace Memorial ceremony to pray for the victims of the bombings. This ispart of the mayor's speech at the NPT review conference: Tadadoshi Akiba," I assure you that a powerful anti-nuclear movement is emerging and building momentum daily. I have been amazed by the support of our mayor's campaign has received, and we are only one of many initiative that will converge on the review conference next year ("The City of Hiroshima Devotion to the Cause of Peace" wink ." This is a protest letter against the U.S. subcritical nuclear test. I greatly fear the policies of the United States are destroying the NPT regimine, the central international agreement for the elemenation of nuclear weapons and will provoke a new round of nuclear superpower and begin working in good faith toward the unequivical under taking to accomplish the total elimination of nuclear arsenals promised at the time of the NPT review. I demand that you immediately ratify the CTBT, terminate all nuclear testing, including subcritical tests, and take the lead in carving out a clear path toward the total abolition of nuclear weapons ("The City of Hiroshima Devotion to the Cause of Peace" wink . This is a protest letter against the U. S. research for development into new types of nuclear weapons. It has come to my attention that you have submitted to congress a budget for funds for research into new types of nuclear weapons. I am gravely concerned that your expict intention to develop new nuclear weapons inevitably brings the use of those weapons a step closer to reality. The city of Hirashima is currently conducting an emergency to ban nuclear weapons, looking towards the NPT review conference to be held at UN headquarters in May this year. This campaign, which is picking up momentum around the world, has been endorsed in resolutions adopted by the U. S. conference of Majors and European parliment. Your own congress refused to appropriate funds in the 2005 budget research into tactical nuclear weapons, and is obvious from the U.S. conference of Majors resolution, the majority of conscientious American citizens wish to see nuclear weapons abolished. I urge you to open your ears to these voices at home and abroad demanding liberation from the nuclear threat ("The City of Hiroshima Devotion to the Cause of Peace" wink . This is a protest letter against the Russia Subcritical nuclear test from Tadadoshi Akiba. We have learned that the Russian atomic energy minister Rumyanstev, announced that you country had conducted multiple sub-critical nuclear tests at the Navaya Zemlya island test site in the arctic ocean since the start of the year. If the reports are factual, as the mayor of Hiroshima,I vehemently protest these acts as a betrayal of the hopes of the atomic bomb survivors and people around the world for nuclear abolition. The nuclear policies of the United States, North Korea and other countries have thrown the world into a crisis of new nuclear proliferation and increase the danger that nuclear weapons will be used. For Russia which claims to abide by the NPT, to like the U.S. test and take every pain to maintain its nuclear arsenal, only hastens the destruction of the NPT regimine. These deeply alarming develpments are increasing nuclear proliferation and leading the world towards a day when such weapons will be used and extinguish human life ("The city of Hiroshima Devotion to the Cause of Peace" wink . This is a request letter from Tadasoshi Akiba to president Bush to visit Hiroshima and to eliminate nuclear weapons. This year the city of Hiroshima will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing. Based on that experience of 60 years ago, we have appealed continually for the abolitionof nuclear weapons and the realization of genuine and lasting world peace. Despite the desires of peace-loving people around the world, our planet bistles with vast arsenals of nuclear weapons and remains bound by chains of hatred, violence, and retaliation. Hiroshima is extremely disappointed by this lamen table state of affairs. The world today teeters on the brink of rapid proliferation and, perhaps, actural use of weapons of mass destruction. Despite urgent calls for the abolition of nuclear weapons from a-bomb survivors and millions of people of conscience around the world, the NPT review conference this past May failed to produce beneficial results.("The City of Hiroshima Devotion to the Cause of Peace" wink
That is why the bombing of Hiroshima was disastrous. A whole community was destroyed, the atomic bomb was destructive and the mayor of Hiroshima, Tadadoshi Akiba, is asking for peace from the nuclear threat that had destroyed Hiroshima.

told u it was really long it comes out to be..... 6 pages if printed leave a coment if u liked it biggrin
leave a comment if u didnt like it ( stare beter not happen stare )

Silly rabbit

Get the hell away from my yogurt

Seibei Tsuchiya
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Seibei Tsuchiya
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  • User Comments: [2]
    Queen of Voodoo
    Community Member

    Tue May 20, 2008 @ 03:41am

    WOW. That is reeeeeeeeeeeally long.

    Loved it btw!

    ....ok I was lying. I didn't even read the thing.

    too much work...

    super ninja!

    question ninja question
    question ninja ninja question
    question ninja question

    Community Member

    Thu Aug 14, 2008 @ 09:23pm

    holy crap! i want a super ninja!
    ...oh wait, i already am one! cool

    aaaanyway, the hell im gonna read that!
    too long, about something i already learned, blah, blah, blah... oh well.
    I'm sure it was excellent, and i support you in writing it, but im not gonna read it lol sweatdrop

    @o@ oooh shiny!!!

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