I just randomly decided to log in due to boredom, and lo and behold! what do I find? Epic drama over the MCs! (I know this isn't a new thing.) Compliments showed up at first, but idiocy to even more epic proportions showed up, such as misinformation regarding the angelic and demonic wings released as monthly collectibles and stating that the Battle System was going to be pay to play. One even held out word Gaia (supposedly) said for four years!
One thing stuck out to me, though. I'm one for technical things. So here it is:
Flip the wings around.
Uh... HOW?! Have you seen the avys in itself while wearing those wings? This is a limitation of the current Avatar System, which is in version 3. The current dimensions of your avatar is 120 pixels in width and 150 pixels in height. If they made more room in width, though, I could justify that, or you know... define them a bit more so they wouldn't look flat. sweatdrop
Now that I'm done, I now have the expression of this: neutral WTF. Also, wahmbulance cheese_whine
I SO need to cool down and probably play some Zelda 3. razz Later.
EDIT: I somehow had the journal entry copy-n'-pasted twice. gonk
Ami Sapphire · Thu May 15, 2008 @ 10:40pm · 0 Comments |