I can't believe summer is almost her mrgreen I CAN'T WAIT exclaim The bad news for this week is that my friend Yeshay (priness yaya) is going to give me a "makeover" gonk I've seen what she can do with JUST lipgloss, blush, eyeliner crying gonk wahmbulance dramallama wahmbulance PLEASE, MAKE TIME IN YOUR BUSY SCHEDULES TO PRAY FOR ME gonk
I'm a Water Farie 4laugh

You are a water faerie!!~ You are a calm and relaxed person and are not too very fond of fire. You have a gentle side but yet can get aggresive if people mess with you.
This quiz was created by rockinfaith08 on quizilla.com heart
Pure Rose Artemis · Sun May 04, 2008 @ 09:23pm · 0 Comments |