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w/e is in my head is in my head. like que sera sera!
my new obsessions(current randome events)
hello! nice to meet you! im Kagome(not my REAL name) and/or Tohru(not my REAL name either)
im going to start off with my random events:
*i havent yet wached inuyasha today....this applies alot...i never have time
*i never seem to be hungry......why is that? its like im not me
*i fell asleep on my la hw was so friekin B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!!
*me and my younger sis had a fist fight and i won....we do this alot!
*i always keep a smile and dont usualy hold a grudge(exept on boys)
*im always slap-happy and random.pie and billy bob joe
*im rainbow emo(diff.emotions and no i dont cut my wrist!)
im obsessed with anima....its a menttal illness.....i know it. i think this half-deamond inuyasha is sooooooooo hot! im tellin you the truth its an illness! im compleatly mental! mwahahahahaha! mental is me! ok.....i g2g cuz im a little you can plainly see.....oh yeah i talk alot! so if i ramble,like now(laugh) you know why.

bye bye!
Kagome/Tohru smile redface crying stare xd 3nodding blaugh gonk scream stressed sweatdrop heart domokun whee wink sad eek confused cool lol mad razz cry evil twisted rolleyes exclaim question idea arrow neutral mrgreen ninja 4laugh rofl pirate talk2hand burning_eyes cheese_whine dramallama wahmbulance emo
p.s. ble red and green(coments bubble like kagomes shirt thing.this wil make sense) is all 4 u inuyasha!
*green=kagomes shirt thing
*blue=kagomes skirt
dnt worry! i love sango, mikroku, shippo, kirara, and mioga too!!