Grace stepped out onto the platform on top of two sets of stairs. she stared out onto the ball room filled with guests from every kingdom. She saw a demon with fox ears and tail holding onto a lady with the same look. she had red hair and the mom said to look up at the princess Yuna. Grace turned her attention away from the strange girl and turned her sights onto the thrones were her mother and father sat and a most handsome boy stood waiting next to them. Slowly Grace made her way down the stairs. Someone screamed and before Grace knew what happened she tripped and started to fall down the stairs only to be caught by someone. Grace in her ball dress:

Ren: My your name doesn't suit you
Grace: put me down at once! Ren *shrugs* okay *drops Grace*
Grace: Well gees! scream Ren: you said to put you down!
Ren: Will you dance with me? Grace: ................................ Fine just one dan- whoa! Ren pulled Grace onto the dance floor and before she knew it they had danced through 5 songs. James had a satisfied look on his face and Muri looked simply happy. Ren took Grace outside and next thing she knew they were kissing.

To be continued....
XAngelicShadowXX · Mon Apr 28, 2008 @ 02:51am · 0 Comments |