Life: each breath i take adds another chain
each heart beat puts another knife through me
and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me

why must you continuously do this to me? do you wish to hurt me, to push away that which makes me happy? why? i dont get it. why? you are just killing my trust, my love, my peace of mind. that which is my sanity is slipping slowly away. my soul is dying, inside im crying tears of deep red crimson. on the outside i may be smiling but that means nothing. these words, this life, living is nothing and you make it that way. i want you to ignore him, block him out of your life forever. he is mine and mine alone and you are driving me away from him and no i'm not gonna cry for my tears are dry. im done listening to your lies! i'm sick and tired of hearing what you've done with and to him. i am going to distance myself from you and you're to do so to him forever this is the only way it will work. im sorry it had to end this way.
Luv you sister no more </3
xXMiss AsphyxiationXx · Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 11:51pm · 0 Comments |