Life: each breath i take adds another chain
each heart beat puts another knife through me
and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me

Cry ........... (i am such a waste of life) |
no matter what i do no matter how good the day no matter what, sum a*****e will always screw it all up
every action seems so pointless my feelings locked inside for a good reason no one ever listens to me anyway
SCREAMING, HATE, ANGER,SELF LOAF I hate me, I hate life, is there a point 2 living? can you save me, could you love me?
am i even worth the trouble i'll cause you? they wonder why i never speak its simple ... would they ever understand?
they cause all the pain i feel they scream at me endlessly they throw things recklessly they scream at each other in front of me they always lie and say they love me but i know theres nothing there
i am nothing but a screw up i hate you for making me breathe why didn't you just let me be dead i feel dead anyway ... like you care (NOT)
stab, bang, hang ... choose one baby im sorry ..... so sorry for everything i do & have done in the end all that matters is ... you my friends will go on but you will always hold on
my hearts so broken you could never know none ya pay any attention you all constantly ignore me it as if I AM DEAD!
im not asking to be the center im asking to be noticed i notice you when there is something to say but you never talk to me its as if i really dont exist
(commentz pleazzz!!!)
xXMiss AsphyxiationXx · Sun Apr 06, 2008 @ 08:28pm · 0 Comments |