song+ Helena book+ Timeline scent+ Banana nut bread. Yum .. quest+ having time to do quests -_- upper+ Ryuukun tomorrow =D downer+ Evil Peep attire+ blue Reebok shirt, ect chat+ Noo ;.; drink+ water =p
 I'm going tribal.
xD Bellydance, I mean. I've started getting all my ideas for a costume together ... ^^ Something to do at least.
Well .. >_> I'm in such trouble. I'll have to cancel this account before auntie gets home, otherwise she'll get called by the evil AOL people and b***h at me some more. -_-;
In case this is the only time I get to make an entry for a long while, I want everyone to know I love you all very very much! ^o^
I've been feeling much better since I saw my Ryuukun. Im melleth le, lissiedhellore. heart And I've been meditating more, and learning more about Zen, which until a few days ago I knew almost nothing about. I'm Mahayana .. ^^; I should know more about the other traditions. When I first began to learn about my traditon, I remember my mind was very peaceful. I'd like to go back to that. The barrier I had created around me to filter out chaos has broken down, and now I argue and worry and make assumptions all the time. I didn't used to do that.
Anyway. I'll get better.
*Hugglets and luff to all!*
The Viscount · Mon Aug 01, 2005 @ 12:27am · 4 Comments |