hehe sry i havent been on in a weil ive been bisy kk this is da lastest part for dis chapter oh ya one more thing when the narrorator speaks it will be in blue
shikyo:*seriouse voice still* 'you still didnt tell me wat the hell is in that bag' /arghh im not very patient/
ky:'ohh sry its just some portal rocks' sweatdrop
zaly: 'wtf are portal rocks' /*still confused about all the s**t that is going on*/
ky: 'ill show you soon enuf'
zaly:'watever' /i wonder/
shikyo:'lemme gess they open a portal' /DU'H/
ky:'pritty much'
zaly:'oh that explains the name' ky: 'mk follow me'
shikyo & zaly: 'AGAIN??'
ky: -.- 'yes now hurry'
shikyo: 'fine mr.grumpy pants' *pouts like littel kid*
zaly: 'lol mr.grumpy pants' >XD*laughs* lol
befor shikyo can make another comment on ky's grumpyness or zaly can make a nother chuckel ky opens the door and heads down the steps with shikyo and zaly next to him soon they are in the basement
witch looks like dis sept w/o the person in the backround XD
![User Image](https://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b6/johnsfarm/Basement.jpg)
ky:'mk were here'
zaly: 'great another totaly abandon room'
shikyo:'i know its awsome' /^^/
zaly: /now thats just plain weirdoness/ -.-
ky:'ok now can you tell me the names of thouse ppl you chose?' *gose to one of the shelfs and gets a tarp*
if you dont know what a tarp is here >XD
![User Image](https://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e203/wesg05/chan/Tarp.gif)
shikyo:'dark zal, super human seth A.K.A sethy, and katie wolfie A.K.A katelyn' ^_^
ky:' mhm' *lays out tarp then gose in littel pouch thingy and throw rocks on it*
as soon as ky dose that a portal apears and sucks them in
hehe here is what the portal looked like
![User Image](https://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb11/JaV412/portal.jpg)
shikyo1455 · Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 06:20pm · 3 Comments |