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Kyomi's Journal of stuff Read about me!! YAY!!...although...i might not be so interesting heh..heh

Community Member
Err.. continued
*~* Next Day*~*

Minoro: well THAT didn't take long!!

Kitty: I had to clean my room! -____-
Setsuko: And Melanie already left a comment

Minoro: Because SOMEONE forgot to push the 'private button'

Kitty: I had to clean my room!!!

Minoro: well anyways as i was saying i still think my idea would be pretty cool

Setsuko: yeah if she doesn't sue us for sexual harrassment!

Kitty: I Don't wanna get sue'd! I dont have enough money to get sue'd!

Setsuko: But it went to a good cause!

Minoro: Our hair?

Setsuko: But it looks pretty ^-^

Kitty: Do you think maybe she'll like it?

Minoro: *silence*...... *slaps kitty* Moron!
Kitty: OW! What!?

Minoro: You're STILL think ing about her?

Kitty: well im sorry but... its hard to get over her you know?

Setsuko: It really is hard to get over someone especially if you spent 2 years working up the courage to tell her your feelings....

Minoro: and then outta the blue she turns up and hates you... Ungrateful b***h...

Kitty: Im sure she'll find a way to get over it soon... whatever it was that i did...

Minoro: Thats what bugs me the most!! She's so mad over a stupid journal entry that...first of all it wasn't meant for ANYONE to see and second of all it never once insulted her or slandered her or embarassed her in anyway.... it just said what you felt and she's mad at you!? Gimme a break!!
Setsuko: We didn't do anything to them and look at how mean they are! Like, RUDE!

Kitty: But you know, i cant help but feel sad.... i mean.. i dont disagree with you guys...but they were like... some of my closest freinds... and then they changed so quickly... then Kira started hating me and now...

Minoro: Man! whats that witches problem

Kitty: Hey dont call her that!

Minoro: your right... its an insult to witches all over the world!

Kitty: All i know is that i still miss when we were all freinds...

Minoro: yeah, things only started ********' up when she came to highschool. If she stayed in her nice little religious elementry school then who knows... maybe right now instead of typing this we'd be sitting with her right now .... or maybe not just sitting... wink *nudges Kitty*
Kitty: redface grr...St-stop it Minoro...

Setsuko: and to think...we almost wasted your first kiss on that twit...

Minoro: heh, kinda Ironic when you reads the letter we wrote all that time ago... when was it... like a year ago?

Setsuko: and we were damn serious about that letter too

Kitty: *blush* good thing we never gave it to her though... can you imagine how that would've changed things now?

Minoro: heh and i quote! ' You've never hurt me kira!' now all i can do when i read that is laugh my a** off! How stupid were you!

Kitty: Yeah... i guess.. at the time thats just how i felt...

Setsuo: and now she's becom this kniving little whore!

Minoro: with a stupid haircut
