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Kyomi's Journal of stuff Read about me!! YAY!!...although...i might not be so interesting heh..heh

Community Member
Personal Argument...
All: "okay, how to start this off..."

Minoro: "who's cracked-out idea was this anyway?"

Setsuko: Wasn't it yours?"

Kitty: um... i think it was mine " O.o

Minoro: "oh...bravo"

Setsuko: "well you agreed to it!"

Kitty: I thought it'd be a good idea "

Setsuko: " It IS kinda fun ^-^"

Minoro: "...........dork.." =___=''

Kitty: well ANYWAY how do we start this

Minoro: well first of all i have something to say about our 'so-called' friend...the little b***h-face that started this whole

Kitty: do we have to resort to name calling?

Setsuko: well She IS a b***h face... i mean lookit at how roused up we are about this...."

Minoro + Kitty: O-O''

Kitty: well i guess your right....but we`re not being anybetter than her by falling to the same level.

Minoro: Pfttt...fine...kay, as i was saying.... that little cu- err... well *cough,grumble* who does she think she isÉ huhÉ acting all mighty and ferocious! I swear she makes me so mad! I wish i could smear her face along the bricks of that stupid catholic school!!

Kitty: MINORO!!!

Minoro: Hey! she should be gratful thats all i`ll do when i get my hands on her, plus... i made that one up just for her... at lest im not giving her one of the shawn tortures you`ll never let me pull off!!

Kitty: Police are scary!!

Setsuko: I dont wanna go to prison! `People get treated like dirt there!

Minoro: *mumble, snicker*

Kitty: *cough* Back on topic? Well, i mean we all are a little peaved at her..

Setsuko: THATS an understatement Kitty and you know it!

Setsuko: why'd she have to go and make you all depressed like that...Its hard to look your best and make friends when your mind gets all dark like Minoro's

Minoro: *snicker* well, you have to admit i help her deal with this 'depression' in my own way wink

Kitty: yeah, feeding me all these violent pictures really do help...

Setsuko: the funny thing is.. you arn't being sarcastic..

Kitty: I KNOW!! T^T I dont know why.. but thy really do... *sulk*

Minoro: Oh! give up the innocewnt act kitty and let me take over... admit it.. we have more fun when i do...and i make freinds faster! People like voilence!!

Kitty: But it never solves anything! Running up to Kira and punching her in the face may feel good at the moment.. but think of all the consequences!

Minoro: Pshht.. you ruin every 'feel-good' moment with your little guilt pleas =___=

Setsuko: But think of it Minoro! we could get in alot of trouble! She could call the police--

Minoro: First! She harassed us, then slandered us and ontop of all that she had to threaten us! How much more of an excuse do you need?

Kitty: I dont think the police will let us go scotch-free for that....

Minoro: Who says we have to get caught? denial always works..or we could say she threw the first punch?

Kitty: *large sigh* I know we're all mad at her, because of the current circumstances...but violece will only make it worse...


Kitty: Im not--

Minoro: --Because of her you lost your chance with the one you love!!! You finally get the courage to tell her (after like 50 attempts) and she made her hate your guts!

Setsuko: Im pretty sure if we go and beg her to talk to us..

Kitty:--she'll slam the door in our face...


Kitty: Im pretty sure theres really nothing we can do at the moment...we should just have patience and wait for her to forgive us herself...

Minoro: What makes you so shure she WANTS to forgive us?

Kitty: She's not the typ to hate someone...

Minoro: yeah, just like how she didn't hate Kira for 2 years....she told you herself...

Setsuko: But look at the two of them now

Kitty: Yeah, who knows, maybe this is just a test and after a little while our friendship will grow again and this time stronger than ever before! Like it did with me and Melanie!

Minoro: Oh, bcause Josie is oh, so dependable...right now she prolly hasn't thought of you on her own for about a week!

Setsuko: On her own?

Minoro: Yeah.. the only time she thinks about you is when Kira is oppening her big flapper to rant on about you.

Kitty" I suppose...but still...Forcing myself to her will only drive her away.

Setsuko: Hey, she said she was a saddist...maybe if you volenteer to be her slave ten maybe she'll--

Minoro: -- SHUT UP NOW SETSUKO!! *turns to Kitty* why is she here?

Kitty: *shurg to Minoro* Um.. Setsuko... i dont think that'll work

Setsuko: Why?

Minoro: hm... lets think about this for a second....picture if you will... Here we are at the doorstep of her house. She opens the door expecting Kira, we shove our fott in the door to stop her from closing it, she tries to slam it anyway....IF we're able to keep our foot in the door, we throw ourselves inside, fall to our knees, cltch her extremly baggy shirt and cry out ' please love me again! I'll let you cut me up and everything!! If you love me i'l be your little b***h!! PLEASE LEMME BE YOUR TOY!!--"


Minoro; *snicker* I was having fun XD

Setsuko: well... i didn't picture it quite so dramaticly

Minoro: I say, instead of beggin her... we throw ourselves inside, slam the door behind us, lock it...quickly look around and if noones home we grabb her by the collar, bring her up real close, so she stumbles forward. then mumble in a low tone ' I need to talk to you' Then turn and throw her onto the couch in the living room and--"

Kitty: MINORO!!!! redface STOOOOOP!!!

Setsuko: Wow Minoro....uhh...

Minoro: *evil laughter to herself* Hey you never know...she might like for that kinda thing to happen *shrug*

Kitty: Minoro thats not us!

Setsuko: Minoro your sick O.o

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Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Feb 26, 2008 @ 05:46pm
Omg, What the hell is this post about lol.

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