God do I feel like crap today. I went to the nurse a couple time today in school. I couldn't get rid of this stupid headache, I mean, I still sorta have it.
When I was lying down in the nurses office......I wrote this...
"Feb 15, 2008 10:24 a.m. Ugh... I feel sick. School takes too much energy out of me. I got a good night's sleep last night, but I gess that's not enough.
There's no where peaseful in [town I live in]...I wish I was at Blaze's house, I don't have a care in the world when I'm there. So peaseful...
Blaze told me to try meditating, but I can't feel at pease in my house no matter what, I feel trapped there. It's too cold to do it somewhere outside, and I sure as hell can't do it as the youth center.
I also feel stressed because I have to try to help a friend of mine who's going though depression just like me. But I feel like I can't help her, I mean, I can't even help myself. The most I can do right now is be there for her.
I wonder if I'll be able to make it though the rest of the school day...."
During school, the only way of relieving stress is to write about it......I usually do it in code if it's during class so if the teacher or a classmate would take it, they wouldn't be able to read it, but sense I was just in at the nurse, I didn't care....I'm glad I have something that I can do........even if it really doesn't help all that much.
School is just getting too stressful for me.......not the work....but just having to deal with all the crap in the middle. This girl that goes to my church.....well I thought she was nice but...............I was in a crappy mood...I was in line to get some ice........I was talking to my friend Beanz........and she just comes up and starts bullying him.......WHAT THE HELL?!
I just hate how fake some of the kids at my church are. It would be rude to say it to anyone who goes to my church........but it is so true....they all just pick of my friends and act like it okay because they aren't picking on me personally...........................................God do I hate them...............
I don't even feel welcome at church...........the only people I feel really close to are the Creighs................I'm not saying there aren't other people that I like.......it's just that....they're the only ones that make me feel like I belong......like I'm family.
Ugh, we have PSSA testing crap Tuesday........
Wish me luck not colapsing from exaustion during school......
FullMoonForest_42 · Fri Feb 15, 2008 @ 09:24pm · 0 Comments |