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Kyomi's Journal of stuff Read about me!! YAY!!...although...i might not be so interesting heh..heh

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I TOLD her!!!! I ******** TOLD HER!!! AUGHHH! I cant belive what happened!!! Well turns out Sushi STILL hates me Though i dont know why!? if she has a problem with me why doesn't she just up and SAY IT!! Well my suspicions were true.. they were going out =__='' not that i wasn't already informed...

It all started two days ago when i suddenly got the urge to see her. I went to her house.. nobody was home ,no surprise...( I later found out she was at Sushi's) So i left her a message on her Awnsering machine. She called bak and made plans to see eachother the next day. So yesterday i called her and we planned to meet at the mall. I called my friend up and she provided me with an alibi, so after waiting forever for my ride, my friend met me at the mall but my crushy wasn't there. after figuring out we missed her by like, three minutes we went back to her place. Crushy calls her house and we end up meeting at the local Wing Nutz. We talked but i figured she wasn't going to tell both of us the WHOLE story ina public place.

So today i stopped by for a quick chat and she told me everything!! and i mean everything!!! God I was shaking so hard i thought i was going to be sick...right down to the last detail.. she told me about her feelings for Sushi...well...I sat there like an idiot for about five full minutes when i decided....well, she prolly needs the ego boost... so i sucked it up and told her... *long sigh* well it didn`t help much that the first thing she did was gawk at me wide-eyed and go `really?..whoa REALLY?` but i guess theres not much elce she could say...and as she did to me... i told her everything....and i mean mostly all this s**t here in my journal ( which BTW excuse the typo`s im just getting used to this new keyboard on my brand spanking new Laptop ^-^) Turns out that she did like me too..:: on and off:: and that she kinda new but when she wanted to ask me out she couldnt because she though id say no... she had found one of my journal entrys id written to Monster...and she learned about alot of stuff...about Sushi.. and Lauren..and herself... but apparently she couldnt tell me that she read it because she didnt see me for a long time afterwards...
apparently she felt pretty bad when i told her that I got jealous really easily whenever she was around Lauren or whoever... and that ive been waiting forever for her to ask me out...but its just the truth...and i guess that it felt pretty good that i was telling her everything...but... i just dont know what shes going to do about it... i mean... from what shes told me she still has feelings for Sushi, even though Sushi was just using her to test whether she was truly bisexual or not...which pisses me off because she did the same thing to me!!
and well Crushy knows i still like her..although for her sake im trying not to... im pretty convinced i dont love her anymore...but when im with her...i ...i lose track of everything...I still get jealous when she mentions Sushi...and i hate it!! Why do i have to be such a ******** PANSEY!!! SHOOOT MEEEE!!! I wanna ******** die! im sick of all this!! Emotions suck! I dont know if maybe now that i told her i like her she might start liking me back again... but then i think that she still likes Sushi!!! You know what.. maybe i should just butt out of all this and be through with the both of them!! Crushy can stay at that school with Sushi for all i care!! thats the whole reason she went to that school in the first place!! Im just going to keep doing what ive done all this time!! Love only Link, grow old and die!!

User Comments: [4]
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comment Commented on: Sun Feb 10, 2008 @ 01:01am
Okay, Yeah i think you should forget them both, If they are both causing you pain like that dump them all, put them behind you and say Im done be ******** around. If so im 100000000000000000 percent behind you.

comment Commented on: Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 05:47pm
Alrighty-- well, there were so many things wrong with that post that I don't even know where to begin.

First off, Tracey ( for I no longer feel the obligation to call you 'Kyomi' ) you are more of a moron then I ever assumed if you believe that me and Josie were ever 'dating'-- I don't know who your 'informant' for that matter is, but, whoever they are they are sorely mistaken, and mislead; and you are perhaps more at fault for believing such a hideous, shudder-worthy rumor. We are close, but not that close, kid.

Also, it's a little too late to 'be through' with me. I'm waaaaay gone, chicky. You are as 'through' with me as you ever could be. In fact, reading this, it makes me almost sick to my stomach with.. oh, what's that word? Ah, yes-- disgust. I am disgusted by you and your pathetic ramble Tracey. Or rather, I have been steadily sliding away from you and your childish, infuriating self; you are not eight years old-- stop acting like it. Everyone has 'crushy's', you're not the only one who gets rejected and jealous, so get the hell over your self-pity and stop drooling over your friends.

Thirdly, I never once 'tested' my sexuality on you. I, at one, far, distant and foolish point in my life, had legitimate affections towards you. I am ashamed when I look back one those months. I only once tested those feelings, if you can get it through your thick head to recall--- It was on my front porch, late, summer, nice weather? You with me so far? Yes? Good. I confessed I liked you more than a friend, which you then responded with the typical line of 'I don't want to ruin our friendship, I value you too much to risk it'. Isn't that so wonderfully cliché of you, Tracey? You're probably thinking, "No, Kiera, I'm not cliché", though the correct answer would be a nearly screamed "yes". Funny isn't it? How something can happen and one will choose to remember it as completely different? Yes, indeed, it's amusing how one's mind can play tricks to make another seem... in the wrong. Oh, don't worry, Tracey, you're not in the wrong, of course, it's alllll me. It only seems right, don't you agree?

I'm pretty sure you've never once experienced love for one who is not related to you, kid. Ever. Sure, I'm not saying you've never 'liked' someone, but love them? I don't think so. Hell, I'd bet my life on it. As to you being a 'pansy'? I don't have the proper words to describe how much I agree with that statement.

"Emotions suck!" Wow, no kidding. Perhaps you do have some raging emotions going on, kid, but, really, get a grip. So you like someone that may or may not like you back-- big bloody deal. Here's a piece of advice, from one girl to another-- reach behind you and pull your head out of your a**, you might be able to let go of your pathetic whirl pool of self-pity and teenage angst that you prefer to call 'emotions'. I'm not saying they aren't, but why not complain and rant when it's actually something that isn't so pathetic that it cripples my mind and makes me tired from laughing.

In relation to your assumption that I 'only went to that school in the first place' you are, as you have been throughout most of your entry, incorrect. Surprise, surprise. I went to that school because I am cowardly, and instead of having to restrain from introducing your whining mouth to my fist every time you speak, I choose an 'easy' way out-- I transfered from North to St. Joe's. Oh ho, but of course, it couldn't be such! It has to be that I'm crawling after someone-- but, really, I'm not one to pine after others. It's just not something I like to do. It's really not--- but you go ahead, have fun with that.

To, you, Mel-- 'hypocritical' does not even begin to cover it. I do recall it was you who told me to 'just forget about Tracey'. But no-- you wouldn't do that! How silly of me to say such a thing as the truth. You should probably share my earlier said 'advice' with Tracey. You might need her to assist you though, those two faces of yours will be a little tricky to handle on your own~

And though my comment will no doubt be deleted, it was worth putting it here. Also, Tracey, Mel, if either of you two ever slander my name again.. I will take it upon myself to make sure you won't be able to utter another vowel in your pathetic existences. Of course I say that with the utmost respect! Because, wouldn't I seem a little pissed off if I wasn't so completely amused?

Freezing Process
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comment Commented on: Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 06:16pm

Wow. I don't even know where to start with all of this. Firstly, I flat out told you "I was never dating Kiera." and, I had 'feelings' for her for what...? A week? Where do get off saying we were dating?
Also. I opened up to you about my feelings and things... as a friend. The last thing I needed was that crap load of an 'ego boost', when I was worrying about someone else. I decided to trust you with what I was feeling.
Buut, no, no you couldn't just be pleased that you'd gotten a step closer to me in friendship. (If you even realized it at all.) Nope, drawling on about you has to of been much more fun.
But, that's not so bad. I got over it. (Although even mentioning your name became awkward for a while.) I figured 'Whatever. She's my friend. Ignore that.' And now? You're going to... butt out of it? Go ahead, seriously. Obviously, you can't handle the fact that I got over you, or that I just wanted a friend.
So, we're through. ******** it, I'm done with this bullshit. Have fun with that growing old and dying. Keep going the way you are, and you'll be alone all the way.
(Oh, and for the record, if you ever 'loved' me; you wouldn't have given a s**t about what your mother thought.)
Good bye.

comment Commented on: Mon Feb 18, 2008 @ 12:41am
Okay, well i was shocked when i read what kiera said and that made me a little mad. Well I have things to say to that.

Kiera- Your right i did say for you to forgot tracey, why I said that is because i couldn't stand you call her a b***h, a c**t and you complaining about everything that she did. You ******** threathen us saying oh i make you sure you never say a vowel again.

I could ******** take you, if i can pretty much slap tracey so hard that my hand hurt and her face went red i can gaurantee that i could take you. You call Tracey an 8 yearold even though you were the one getting mad at her for like no reason that i can come up with, you called her names, you ingored you, wow that sure doesn't seem like an 8 year old too me while Tracey was the one trying to fix up your friendship with her, trying to figure out why your so pissed at her. You Kiera were a close friend to me like Tracey was and yeah when you went to St.Joes i missed you, you never called me you never come over like you did every day in the summer time but now your nothing to me you just like a speck to me your worthless.

And for the record I care about Tracey very much so and when you ******** with her you ******** with me. You should be careful on what you say to her. Kiera Im sorry our friendship had to come like this I dont want it too, I wish we can still be friends.

You calling me a ******** two-faced after that time when we went to go see Saw IV and you were sick, I was so worried about you Kiera, i didn't want to leave your side, I saw what you hide under that piece of sheet you have covering up all thos hatred words that are on your wall when i saw that i was scared for your life but things change, friends change everything changes, my friendship towards you has gone completely, this what about you and Tracey but i couldn't stand how you treated Tracey you treated her like s**t but your the one that is s**t Kiera. Im sorry Kiera our friendship had to come to this.

Josie- Wow, something like this can turn a friendship upside-down dont you think. You said that if Tracey did love you she shouldn't care what her mom thought. But your wrong Josie, Tracey went over-the-top to even see you, she lied to her mom, her whole family just so she can see you or even talk to you but i guess that doesn't show you anything.

Once again like I said to kiera, im sorry this had to come to it, i care about you but you have changed which is kool and also scary at times. Its always fun to hang with you, always being Tracey's alibi when she wants to go see you its been fun. You a kool friend and everything. I would still like to hold on that friendship we have but thats up to you.

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