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View User's Journal

~My Journal~
In vain. Everything? Nothing? Maybe most things. If she leaves they'll be left with nothing.
All her work will have been in vain. One wrong cut and she will dissappear, into a mermory engraved only in a few people.
I have to help! I should be there! But I'm not, and I can't be there, not now, not ever! At least not on time.
Inside I cry out, HOLD ON I hope she listens. Please, please don't leave. Who will take care of them? Your children? What about him? They look at you as a role model as an expert in the most unexpected things. He won't take care of them, you know it! Deep down you know this is true because since the first day of her birth, all he ever wanted to do was kill her. You know this, I know this, everyone except her, knows this. I can not help, not now. Your on your own. While we wait with our hearts skipping beats, we'll pray. We'll be there with you.
