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Random thoughts.
So it's all messed up, thats life!
The test of doom!
What If:
[1] I committed suicide:
[2] I said I liked you:
[3] I kissed you:
[4] I lived next door to you:
[5] I started smoking:
[6] I stole something:
[7] I was hospitalized:
[8] I ran away from home:
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality:
[2] Eyes:
[3] Face:
[4] Hair:
[5] Clothes:
[6] Mannerisms:


[1] Who are you?:
[2] Are we friends?:
[3] When and how did we meet?:
[4] How have I affected you?:
[5] What do you think of me?:
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?:
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?:
[8] Do you love me?:
[9] Have I ever hurt you?:
[10] Would you hug me?:
[11] Would you kiss me?:
[12] Would you have sex with me?:
[13] Would you marry me?:
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?:
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?:
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?:
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.:
[18] Am I loveable?:
[19] How long have you known me?:
[20] Describe me in one word.:
[21] What was your first impression?:
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?:
[23] What do you think my weakness is?:
[24] Do you think I'll get married?:
[25] What about me makes you happy?:
[26] What about me makes you sad?:
[27] What reminds you of me?:
[28] What's something you would change about me?:
[29] How well do you know me?:
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?:
[31] Do you think I would kill someone?:
[32] Are we close?:
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?:

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 06, 2005 @ 03:15am
What If: [1] I committed suicide: Heartbroken forever. [2] I said I liked you: Instinctively ask why you would EVER like me XD [3] I kissed you: I would feel bad for taking your first kiss [4] I lived next door to you: Party at my house! [5] I started smoking: Badger, but nothing more [6] I stole something: You do already... I would ask what you stole [7] I was hospitalized: I'd visit you everyday. Cranes and the usual. [8] I ran away from home: I'd sneak you into my house [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: If you won... I would laugh. If you lost, I'd hunt down the bastards and get revenge. What do you think about my: [1] Personality: Straight-forward and honest [2] Eyes: Intruiging [3] Face: Beautiful [4] Hair: Soft and shiny [5] Clothes: Suitable for you [6] Mannerisms: Needs work, but it's all good Other: [1] Who are you?: Katie [2] Are we friends?: Yes [3] When and how did we meet?: In grade 10 by Christy [4] How have I affected you?: Positively and negatively I suppose [5] What do you think of me?: Only good things, except when I'm mad XD [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?: Countless Heart-to-Hearts [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?: A long time [8] Do you love me?: Yes [9] Have I ever hurt you?: Yes [10] Would you hug me?: Yes [11] Would you kiss me?: Friendly, of course. Initimate? Only I know :ninja: [12] Would you have sex with me?: If you were drunk and money was involved [13] Would you marry me?: We already are [14] Emotionally, what stands out?: Your anger [15] Do you wish I was cooler?: Hell no [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?: 8 [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.: None... [18] Am I loveable?: Yes [19] How long have you known me?: 2 years? 1 and a half? [20] Describe me in one word.: Fun [21] What was your first impression?: Loud [22] Do you still think that way about me now?: Yes [23] What do you think my weakness is?: Your family [24] Do you think I'll get married?: Yes [25] What about me makes you happy?: The fact that we talk a lot and are close [26] What about me makes you sad?: When we are in fights [27] What reminds you of me?: Apples, Watches [28] What's something you would change about me?: Nothing [29] How well do you know me?: Pretty gosh darn well I think [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: Yes [31] Do you think I would kill someone?: Yes [32] Are we close?: Yes [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?: No... I already have :pirate:

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 06, 2005 @ 05:23am
What If: [1] I committed suicide: i would cry for weeks. [2] I said I liked you: you already did. [3] I kissed you: in sorry i dont swing that way but if its on the cheek then its ok. [4] I lived next door to you: i would be soo happy. [5] I started smoking: i would look at you funny. [6] I stole something: its would be ok but just dont get caught. [7] I was hospitalized: i would come and see you every day. [8] I ran away from home: i would want you to come to my house. [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: i would feel bad if you got hurt. What do you think about my: [1] Personality:great love it. [2] Eyes: very pretty. [3] Face: love it [4] Hair: very nice and i love it! [5] Clothes: perfect for you. [6] Mannerisms: nice and kind to me! Other: [1] Who are you?: Dayna the one and only! [2] Are we friends?: well i think yes i really hope so. [3] When and how did we meet?: in grade 8 in art class. [4] How have I affected you?: in a very good way. [5] What do you think of me?: i love you. [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?: i dont know everyone of them. [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?: for a long long time. [8] Do you love me?: yes...yes i do. [9] Have I ever hurt you?: not really. [10] Would you hug me?: never just kidding i loves you. [11] Would you kiss me?: on the cheek. [12] Would you have sex with me?: no im sorry. [13] Would you marry me?: i did but you loved katie more. [14] Emotionally, what stands out?: i dont know why. [15] Do you wish I was cooler?: no i love you the way you are. [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?: 9.5 because you can be maen sometimes. [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.: i dont really have one im sorry i think i like calling you just leeana. [18] Am I loveable?: yes [19] How long have you known me?: for 4 years but really good friends for 1 1/2 years really. [20] Describe me in one word.: humm theres to many words for you. [21] What was your first impression?: i liked you. [22] Do you still think that way about me now?: no now i love you. [23] What do you think my weakness is?: i dont really know. [24] Do you think I'll get married?: yes and live a very happy life. [25] What about me makes you happy?: that you are so nice to me. [26] What about me makes you sad?: that you dont tell me some stuff and sometimes i feel left out. [27] What reminds you of me?: anime, well acually everything. [28] What's something you would change about me?: nothing i love you for who you are. [29] How well do you know me?: i think pretty well. [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: yes [31] Do you think I would kill someone?: no not really. [32] Are we close?: yes i like to think so. [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?: i already did and now you have to write in mine.

kingdom queen
Community Member
1 and onely
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commentCommented on: Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 06:08pm
[size=7]The test of doom! What If: [1] I committed suicide: i would be depressed [2] I said I liked you: i would like you to [3] I kissed you: i would fly [4] I lived next door to you: then your dutch [5] I started smoking: then your dead [6] I stole something: i steal it from you [7] I was hospitalized: then you were hospitalized [8] I ran away from home: you could live with me [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: i would come (or watch the cat fight :P) What do you think about my: [1] Personality: nice [2] Eyes: dunno [3] Face: ummm good? [4] Hair: forgot [5] Clothes: monkey shirt rulez [6] Mannerisms: dunno what that is Other: [1] Who are you?: damien [2] Are we friends?: i think so [3] When and how did we meet?:xbox live (farcry) [4] How have I affected you?: you made me play gaia [5] What do you think of me?: :cute: [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?: fondest? [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?: i hope 4ever ( i think a year) [8] Do you love me?:yeah [9] Have I ever hurt you?: yeah [10] Would you hug me?: yeah [11] Would you kiss me?: oww yeah [12] Would you have sex with me?: PERVERT! (even better) [13] Would you marry me?: dunno [14] Emotionally, what stands out?: of you or me? [15] Do you wish I was cooler?: no [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?: 9 1/2 [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.:mommy ducky [18] Am I loveable?: yeah [19] How long have you known me?: 2 months? [20] Describe me in one word.: leeana [21] What was your first impression?: a chick on xbox live? [22] Do you still think that way about me now?: no [23] What do you think my weakness is?: yourself [24] Do you think I'll get married?: oww yeah [25] What about me makes you happy?: that your mostly real friendly and stuff [26] What about me makes you sad?: sometimes your real mean! [27] What reminds you of me?: chips [28] What's something you would change about me?: that you would remeber more things [29] How well do you know me?: i think good [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?:yeah [31] Do you think I would kill someone?: nah [32] Are we close?: i think so [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?: heck no![/size]

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 06:00am

The test of doom!
What If:
[1] I committed suicide: I would feel bad.
[2] I said I liked you: Id say "we hardly know eachother'.
[3] I kissed you: same as [2] and then i'd slap you.
[4] I lived next door to you: try to be your friend
[5] I started smoking: stop its nasty
[6] I stole something: as long as its not mine...
[7] I was hospitalized: bring you flowers
[8] I ran away from home: thats your problem not mine..
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: ask a friend that was there to tell me what happened.

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality: i hardly know you
[2] Eyes: I'ts just an avatar
[3] Face: I'ts just an avatar
[4] Hair: I'ts just an avatar
[5] Clothes: I'ts just an avatar
[6] Mannerisms: i hardly know you


[1] Who are you?: Olin I hate that gay name.
[2] Are we friends?: I hope.
[3] When and how did we meet?: puzzles 15 minutes ago
[4] How have I affected you?: you affected me by adding another friend in my list.
[5] What do you think of me?: i dont really know you
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?: talking in the puzzles
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?: long enough
[8] Do you love me?: no
[9] Have I ever hurt you?: no
[10] Would you hug me?: depends
[11] Would you kiss me?: depends
[12] Would you have sex with me?: nope
[13] Would you marry me?: underage and no
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?: ??
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?: nope
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?: 5 cuz i dont know you well
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.: ...
[18] Am I loveable?: ...
[19] How long have you known me?: 20 minutes
[20] Describe me in one word.: ...
[21] What was your first impression?: ...
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?: ...
[23] What do you think my weakness is?: ...
[24] Do you think I'll get married?: nope
[25] What about me makes you happy?: ...
[26] What about me makes you sad?: your avatar JUST KIDDING!!
[27] What reminds you of me?: everytime i see the pirate eyepatch smiley.
[28] What's something you would change about me?: ...
[29] How well do you know me?: ...
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: nope
[31] Do you think I would kill someone?: hope not
[32] Are we close?: nope
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?: maybe

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