The Christmas Time Massacre (Part 13) |
King of Contradiction= King azn migration= Migration only_me_myself_and_i= iMyself GR33N_L1NK= Link Major Party= Party SheepShot41= Sheep EMO ME PINK= Pink Ace 442= Ace
King pounded on a tree as he grunted out of frustration. "I can't believe we let them get away!" King said as he sat down and rested. IMyself grabbed some water from the river and splashed it onto her face, cleaning away the dirt and blood marks. She walked over to King and shook her head. "So that's it? We're giving up?" iMyself asked, not knowing what the next plan will be. King shook his head and sniffled, he wiped his eyes and rubbed his nose. "I don't have anymore plans that'll be useful to us, the only one I can think of is to just fight them...this whole trip has turned into a disaster, if only I hadn't invited them, they would be on the couch, opening presents, sipping hot chocolate, and watching a Christmas movie, but now that I brought them here, they're dead...celebrating Christmas in heaven..." King brought up all of the bad things that has happened the past day. He looked down at his watch, it's already morning, if they were to fight the guys, they would need energy, and to regain energy, you need rest. "We need to find shelter to sleep in so we can regain our energy." "Somewhere they would never expect us to be...somewhere safe...." iMyself mentioned rubbing her chin. She looked around the forest and walked in circles. She pointed to a huge tree that made a shadow over a whole group of trees. "We can sleep there for a few hours, probably make plans on how to save Party." "Every time we save someone, we always manage to find ourselves back to square one. Trying to save someone, people dying, just to find out they're gone so we can go save them again." King gritted his teeth and spit at the ground, he walked over to the huge tree and lay down on a couple of uncomfortable branches. "We'll have to get used to this...it's good that it's safe. I don't really care about being uncomfortable anyways, I'm used to it." "Right, let's just get some sleep and then go find Party, they won't kill her, I'm sure, unless she doesn't cooperate." iMyself said, and slept on a pile of grass across from King, it was very disturbing for them to sleep while knowing a friend of theirs is close to death...
"Ace died?" The shadowy figure asked as he threw Party onto a bloody table. "Those little brats killed him?" Scar nodded as he showed the shotgun to the shadowy figure. "Even him?! Are we even dealing with normal kids here? Or are you just weak little scums?" Scar grunted something Party couldn't hear, she just kept begging them to release her, no matter how impossible it is they were to release her, she kept asking and asking as tears crawled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, dear. We can't just let you run off to the cops now...not even your friends will find their way out of the woods. We need to lure them here...well, that won't be hard, seeing they are following us only because of you, we need to put you somewhere they can see you, but not us...I know the perfect place." The shadow figure said as he stepped out of the dark, you still couldn't see his face, he was wearing a type of metallic mask."But, just to make sure you won't be able to talk to them..." The masked man threw a machete to Scar, he pointed to Party. "We'll have to kill you..."
To Be Continued...
Humble Follower · Sun Dec 16, 2007 @ 12:07am · 0 Comments |