Basically some facts about whats going on in my life. School. Love. Drama. Angst. Ect... You know. Teen stuff.
I'm depressed.
I have no destiny..Only fate and it sucks.... My friends are off chasing their dreams while I'm stuck, trying to fufill my parents wishes... How sad is that? I wanna pursue a carrer in arts! not get some stuffy desk job! I wanna travel! Things have gotten hectic recently and my friend who I share everything with is gonna move away! Life as I know it is over! crying
your life is ok..just forget your parents...what there making you do is there dream not yours just tell them that and move away with your friend..ive seen it me
Spheren Community Member
Sun Jan 27, 2008 @ 04:16pm
yea but I'm not old enuff to move's practically illegal!