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Mica's journal
A small spec of sand in the vast desert of life
Mkay, so I just finished watching a movie with my cousin. All's good right? WRONG. Most people dont' know this... But I'm a pansy when it comes to films. Whenever someone wants to watch a horror flick I have to deny. Not because I don't like them... But because if I do watch it I will NOT be able to sleep for at least a week.
So this movie I watched is a adventure/mystery according to what a friend said to me... Wanna know what? I CAN'T WALK THROUGH THIS HOUSE RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I GET THE BUTTERFLIES!!
I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this!
..... Now I'm breaking down and need to get off the computer before I say anything else that I'll later regret.
So long... I'm pretty sure no creature living in the ground will suddenly pop up, grab me then take me to their underground excuse for a village and either eat me or use me for breeding... and I'm pretty sure the birthing process (if nothing else) would kill me....
I hate me right now T.T

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 08:49pm
I can relate! Only I'm not smart enough to avoid what's bad for me. I am strangely attracted to learning about (if not watching) horror movies. The wikipedia articles and movie posters alone are enough to scare the s**t out of me...
What's the name of this one? It sounds interesting.

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 08, 2007 @ 05:26am
It wasn't a horror, the movie was the time machine D:

Community Member
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