
 Germane: biggrin ear Pervert, You can take your balls and shove them in your a**. Pill-E::That's not nice you have to be nice..... Germane: biggrin ear Pervert, I sucked on your balls last night and found them to be filthy. So next time wash your balls before sending them to me to be sucked......a*****e. Pill-E::Was that nice Germane::As nice as I get with perverted assholes
 Foamy::Here's the car keys and a bottle of Jack Daniels'...I'll see you tommorrow, but hopefully not.

 Take The quiz yourself! Take the quiz: What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)
 Eden You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable. Take the quiz: what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)
 xtc. you are xtc.amazing, wild, sexy and young. Take the quiz: What does your birth month reveal about you?
April Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their luver can see. Take the quiz: What Alcoholic drink are you
vodka You like to party...but you dont know what your limit of drinking is. Take the quiz: What should your nick name be?
shorty your loud and your proud.. and u hate your parents Take the quiz: What piercing are you?
 Surface the dark one... mysterious, you keep to yourself and dont mix well with others, but you dont want to either. you like to be alone and dont like to go out clubbing and having fun (thats not a bad thing - im like you!) Take the quiz: What High School Stereotype Are You?
Goth You love the darkness. People are afraid of you and you like it like that. Take the quiz: What Cuss Word Are You?
b***h YOU ARE INDEED A Take the quiz: How Will You Die(Brutal Pics)
Murdered you will probably be killed because you ******** with peaple Take the quiz: Wht piercing would you look SEXY with?
 Belly Button this piercing is the sexiest of all!! Take the quiz: Are You A b***h?
Evil b***h Welcome to my world b***h! Take the quiz: Whats your "true theme song" ~PICTURES~
 Pretty girl By;Sugarcult If you get told all the time your beautiful but you don't believe it. You can never find that one special person that you've been looking for...but your a pretty girl right? It does'nt make sense to you...if your beautiful but you always seems like theres no guys who like you...to you love is an excuse to get hurt...and don't worry your just like me. Take the quiz: What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::
 Punk You're a classic punker. Hard headed and strongly motivated in government relations. You probably like a lot of underground bands that other people at your school don't really know about. You consider people who shop at Hot Topic to be posers and you're overly proud of who you are. Take the quiz: What song are you? ***PICS***
 Blv. of Broken Dreams YOU are Blv. of Broken Dreams. Sad and depressed, GOTH! oh well, THIS SONG ROCKS! Take the quiz: Which Greek god/goddess are you?
Ares You are Ares! ares was the god of war.He was known for his fiery temper.He was very handsome, which made Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty and wife of Hephaestus, to have an affair with him. Take the quiz: What is your inner Demon?
 Black Tormenter The black tormenter is a demon who gets off from causing torturous pain such as stabbing, asphixiation whipping etc. You love to see the faces of pain and torment. you would have probably had a pretty ******** up childhood. Take the quiz: You're an Angel of..... (w/ anime pic.s)
 You're an Angel of Darkness Being an Angel of Darkness, you switched sides going to evil. You are the darkness from of all angels. Your views of everything chance, once positive now negitive. You are bent on revenge and taking over anything that stands in your way. Loving only pain and suffering of others. You are still very beautiful in a bold way, not elegent as you once were. You do Satans dirty work. You loath the angel you once were, you plot to take over the heavens and make the all the angels there suffer. Take the quiz: What Kind Of Weapon Are you?
 Nuclear Bomb You're a Nuclear Bomb! You are by far the most dangerous and destructive of all the weapons. You're also the most advanced. You're cold and completely indifferent, destroying everything you can without feeling, remorse or regret. You also leave a nasty aftertaste: Radiation. You plague people for years, poisoning and killing the ones you didn't destroy from the get-go. You are the only weapon with the true ability to destroy mankind. You're horrible. Take the quiz: Which Mass Murderer Would You Be?(NEW PICS ADDED!)
 Freddy Krueger Revenge is the main motive here. You were wronged, and now it is time for others to pay the price. You are not someone I would cross. Take the quiz: how sane are you?
 one mental mother ********] its ok we all are a lil crazy but you ... you are a ******** nutcase. good job i honor you. you are yourself Take the quiz: What Kind of Demon are you?
Marching Horde You bring about war, you get joy at others expense by starting fights that could ruin everything they worked for! Take the quiz: ARE YOU THE DEVIL
the devils child you are the product of the devil having some fun. put in a good word for me if i end up there. Take the quiz: What Natural DISASTER are you?
 Hurricane (hr-kn, hr-)n. 1. A severe tropical cyclone originating in the equatorial regions of the Atlantic Ocean or Caribbean Sea or eastern regions of the Pacific Ocean, traveling north, northwest, or northeast from its point of origin, and usually involving heavy rains. 2. A wind with a speed greater than 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour, according to the Beaufort scale. 3. Something resembling a hurricane in force or speed. You are confident, headstrong, and stubborn. you like it your way! Take the quiz: What vampire would you be?
 Vampire of Seduction Who say's killing cant be fun? As lovly as you are, you must be the Love god/ess of Vampires everywere. The opposite as well as the same sex are oeverwhelmed by you. You play with their senses before you puncture to the death. Take the quiz: Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)
 Seth, God of Chaos Seth was the evil enemy of Horus, as well as the brother of Osiris. Seth was most known for the murder of Osiris, and the attempted murder of Osiris' son, Horus. Horus avenged his father's death by exiling Seth to the desert for all time.<p> You are a truly evil person. You are blood-hungry and need help. Try to focus on other things besides death. You don't want to be like a guy who got exiled to the desert, now, do you?<p> Take the quiz: Which Magical Dark Creature Are You?
 Witch We all know that there are some good witches out there in the world - like Glinda in her poofy pink dress. But that's not you. You're a regular house dodger and you know it. Always seeming to be pissing other people off and being pissed off at other people you have a nack for not fitting in many places. You prefer being alone because of this and though very independant, you are very wrathful upon whomever may cross your broomstick. Youre as bitter as ground parsley. I think you need a hug. ----l:-/ your quote : Take the quiz: Which beautiful Sorceress are you?
 Dark Sorceress You depict the Dark Sorceress! The evil beauty of the bunch, you use your magic for manipulating minds and preying upon feeble beings. The night is your sanctuary and the moon is your guide. Take the quiz: What kind of fairie are you ?(girlz only)
 you are a dark fairie ! You are a dark fairie and proud of it you enjoy putting others down and liv ein the shadows to suffer without love . Take the quiz: What Sexy Goddess Are You?
Cat Goddess CAT. You are very playful, and sometimes can be very naughty. Your behaviour is sometimes scratchy, but still cool and fun. Take the quiz: Which Final Fantasy (7-10) Character are You?
Cloud Strife Cloud Strife, the ex-SOLDIER from Final Fantasy 7, joined the terrorist group AVALANCHE after fleeing SOLDIER. He weilds a big, big sword. Take the quiz: Which Kingdom Hearts character are you?
 Ansem You are Ansem.You are filled with pure darkness. Trying to take over the world with your minions and pure darkness. Congratulations! You are pure evil....bad to the bone! Take the quiz: What video game are you?
 Silent Hill You are Silent Hill you are in a hellish nightmare world at nighttime and you must escape. Take the quiz: Which Mortal Kombat Character Are You?
 Mileena Mileena,the traitor. Baraka,Kitana,Sindel and Jade are your foes. Beware. Take the quiz: What Keyblade are you?
 Oblivion Third best keyblade in my book. Take the quiz: What World Kingdom hearts world are you?
 Halloween Town You liek your hollidays a bit too much.... Kinda sad isnt it? But you have catchy music Take the quiz: Wich Anime Character Are You , Shows, And Games
 Naraku EVIL DEMON Take the quiz: What is your Paranormal gift?
 Control of Fire You're a little pyro, arn't you? Fire attracts you and you've learned how to control it, or even create that pretty little flicker of red, orange, and blue light. Be careful, though, you could set your friends, family, or even yourself on fire... try doing that to the enemies. Take the quiz: What Aura Colour Are You?
 Black Having a black aura is very rare. Usually black auras are around a person who has passed. You may have an emotional illness, or you may just have a black aura. Dont worry if you have a black aura or if you see one around a person, for black auras do not mean death. However, if you do see a black aura around a living person, I advise you be careful. Take the quiz: What Kind of Wings Does your Soul Possess?
 Demon Wings Your soul possesses Demon Wings! You aspire for chaos and destruction and are often to be found up to no good. You laugh at funerals, kick dogs, and take candy from small chlidren for kicks. Take the quiz: What Type Of Sword Are You?(((Cool Pictures)))
 Black Leather Functional Samurai Sword Take the quiz: which gothic creature are you?
Dark angels The symbol of evil the Angel of death more beauteful then the withe angel you work for the devil so your good at caseing choas and it is normal for you to do evil and wicked deeds you have bat like wings for flyimg down and kill your pray you are soooooooooooooooooo evil hwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
 Unicorn Take the quiz: What Mythical Creature Best Suites Your Personality?
 Dragon You are mean and live in your own terrible world. People back off when they see you. I am suprised you even have friends. Good luck trying to rule the world because you ain't going to suceed!!! Take the quiz: WHICH LOTR CHARACTER DOES YOUR PERSONALITY MATCH?
 Legolas You are kind, thoughtful and intelligent like Legolas. You feel close to nature and your haome and stay true to your friends. You know what really matters. You may be quite active and have hidden talents. Take the quiz: What planet are you?
Mars Your like Mars, your hot and fiesty and the life of the party! Take the quiz: Will you ever kill anyone?
 What? I've killed hundreds of people already - I don't know why I did this quiz Take the quiz: Fill the blanks, quiz.
You'll die very very soon You won't last long, you'll either kill yourself or die of a drug overdose. No-one cares, go get a life.
Take the quiz: What sex dessert are you? *PICS*
 chocolate sauce you like it on top...u like is sweet, but rough...you kinky SON OF A b***h b*****d!
Take the quiz: WHAT MOVIE ARE YOU ?? (4 GIRLS)
 Secret Window Your cryptic, yet that's what makes you intriguing. You have a mixed personality and your always up for adventure.
Take the quiz: What type of dog r u?
 Greyhound You're a Greyhound! You're fast and athletic at the beginning of the day, but in the end, you're a couch potato at heart.
Take the quiz: What type of cat are you?
 tiger You're not a normal house cat. You're all muscle. Kinda like Arnold Schwartznager with stripes.

Take the quiz: What Happy Bunny saying r u?
Take the quiz: Are you mentally ill?
 BuNnY!!!! Chicken with its head cut off! You're ubsessed with animals, and you're crazy. Two in 1! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Take the quiz: What Is Your Kink?
 SadoMasochism Pain is your thing. You probably are tattooed or pierced, or enjoy giving tattoos or piercings. You use unusual objects as sex toys. In the bedroom, you're wild and untamed! Your motto is Hurts so good!
Take the quiz: What Kind of Pirate are Ye? (*Pix*)
 Scar Face Pirate Your a sneaky person, who loves to take people for a ride! You enjoy frightening someone just for the hell of it. When life gives you trouble you like to take anyone around you down too. You tend to think only about yourself and should consider what others around you might need. Bottom line is that when the world turns its back on you...You turn your back on the world.
Take the quiz: What Kind Of Blood Rushes Through Your Veins?
Vampire Vampires... ahh, dark children of the night. Blood thirsty, and.. misunderstood. I prefer them over the others of this quiz. You don't just have to hate the light to be a vampire, some walk into the sunlight without a problem, though it does tend to hurt one's eyes. Your Canines might be a little sharper then usual, and your closet is probably filled with black clothing. You sometimes have problems making, and keeping friends because of your... oddities. Don't take any of this SERIOUSLY, I mean, it's just for fun, right?
Take the quiz: What Kind Of Blood Rushes Through Your Veins?
Demon Demons.. heh. Destructive little thing, ain't ya? A pyro at that. Like werebeasties, you have... anger issues, though they can be much more severe. Ah well. You tend to have bat-like wings, and love seeing people in pain. Death and pain are both a bit amusing to you, usually, and you are just... a bit odd. Most people avoid you for that very reason. I don't have much else to say, other then calm down, and don't burn me!
Take the quiz: What will you be after death?((With pics.!!!!))
 Demon Congratz your a demon!! Though you wont care about this quiz unless you were confused but here's the description of a Demon: you are normaly causing trouble and playing jokes on inosent people, and some people mistake you for a mistreated person in your past life but some just had an anger deep inside them that just never left no matter how good you acted or how nice you were
Take the quiz: What Faery are you? (Beautiful drawings by Amy Brown!)
 .:Fire Faery:. You are the Fire Faery. You love fire with a passion. You spend your days burning things just to watch them go up in flames and slowly turn to ashes. You are a very focused person and people tend to steriotype you as 'goth' or 'evil'. But don't worry, you know who you are and that's all that matters.
Take the quiz: Wut Unicorn r u (awesome pics)
 Black u hide away..u dont need others
Take the quiz: What kind of person were you in your past life?
Psycho Killer Do you have a tendency to hurt people url=http://www.pickle-green.com/egraphics/main.php?id=eggs]    
 Take The quiz yourself!
 Which FF Character Are You?
KariH8sEvry1 · Thu Jun 02, 2005 @ 04:15pm · 0 Comments |