First off. This r meh, bby:

Ryan [idk what to really say about him..]

 he drew this:
 after i sent him this:
Giovanni :] ILY xD heh.

 Our convo lol
 He made this fer meh!!!

my friend josh :], he roxx. i was bored so i messed wif his piccy x3

next ish chey. x3., she's a good friend confused and missleaded as she may be i still love her.

This is brooke & chey's neice. :]. she's freakishly adorable. xD [even kno her mommy ish a cuntbag >=[ ]

Kristen is amazing but i dont have many pics of her that she allows me to put on here for other to seee. lol. kno i dont have porn of her. =O. sickkkkkko. =P

My friend Kayla, well i call her Gayla :]. heh, he got a life [game]. :] She's also named Cupcake. :] i love her <3

Ryan, i was making fun of his grandma lol.

Rochelle :], she's pretty. We are french pplzz :].

Katieeeee now. she hates getting her pic taken. lol.

OH LORDY. horrible subject: BAND UNIFORMS. D;. look at this o.o
 >.>, i hate it, it's so unbelievably gayyyyy. & not a good gay >=[. THANK GOD THIS YEAR OF WEARING THE UNIFORM IS OVER!!!! =D
this is thee drum major. o.o. [she's annoying >.>, but she said she likes my hair so i guess shes okay lol xD] Alida is ugly >.>

my nephew xD, he's so cute & sweet. i luff him :] (oh & my cousins)

Brooke's doggy Hariy :]. i lurve him. he's so cuteeeeeee. i call him Hair Bear :]

Patti :] 
Dustin lol :]

My grammmie :] ilyyyyy, grammy!

myyy doggie :], Sadie. She is a cutie xD

ummm bored? me & brooke's shoe having sexxxxx. lol.

Normal i suppose [me] this is old D:

voodooD0LLIE · Tue Sep 25, 2007 @ 11:31pm · 0 Comments |