I got wings in the slots today. xd It was awsome enough for me to announce to the room in caps. Fortunatly noone minded.
Got some black hair dye, that I'll hopefully use soon. Will be getting some hair glue later so I can spike it up like Sauske. From there I plan to turn in my applications to Hot Topic and Spencers, the few places out there that actually encourge individuality. Though I don't have enough piercings or tatoo's for Hot Topic it's worth it just to be myself.
A friend of mine loaned my BF and I Van Dread (Anime). It's awsome so far and I'll proberly watch another ep with him when I'm done typing this.
Then again I could hassle him with Red Dwarf (80's British scfi comedy). He hasn't seen it but like myself he tends to enjoy the things other people consider lame or stupid.
So fars He's enjoyed Barbarella and Ice Pirates. I have to find a copy of Logans run and can you believe he hasn't seen The Dark Crystal.
He say's I need to see Mulan and Spirited Away I'm sure I will soon.
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