Ok, if i suddenly stop posting...then its because im grounded. Why? i missed an online exam yesterday, and my parents dont know about it. So im debating about telling them. what should i do? bear in mind my mum flipped out over the good towel being wet. if she wigged over that, how bad she gonna be if i tell her i missed an exam?
well i've been sick since last thursday, but now im fine!! why? seems like i've passed it on to my dad now. rofl but aside from that im getting hijacked left and right by my dad or sister for the laptop. its getting irratating but what can ya do? sweatdrop
Eclipsa Queen of Mewnie ❑ Single ❑ Taken ✔ Mentally dating a character that doesn't actually exist gaia_nitemareleftgaia_kittenstargaia_nitemareright