"I Hate Everything About You. Why, Do I, Love You?"
Sweet Dear Rose, Doe

CAM3RA WH0R3 These Scars Remind Me The My Past Is Real I Tear My Heart Open Just To Feel!]
TRY SAYiiNG THAT THR33 TiiM3S FAST [Isabella Rose Diaz]
THAT'S WHAT TH3Y CALL M3! [Bella or Rose]
I HAV3 CAND3LS! L00K! [S i X t E e N]
YUP, THATS M3 [Darling Diva]
KiiSS M3H [Beautiful Boys]
MY SUP3RP0W3RS [Depression/Anxiety]
Y3AH, ii'M LiiKE THAT [I never said that. I promise you...Everything you've heard...nothing but a lie. I swear I never said that I'd attempt it. I'm not that bad of a child. I was scared. But in all honesty, I'm really sweet. I'm not a jerk, but you've probably heard that I am. People call me dark, and emo, and any other stupid nonsence word they can think of. But they don't know me. I'm really kind and I hate the dark, I'm not afraid of it, just, afraid of what might be in it. They blame it on my depression and anxiety. Whatever. I still say that there are always a pair of eyes...just following you in the night. ]
MY S3CR3T AG3NT LiiF3 [I was born youngest sister in my family. I was always active (if not hyper active) and I love sports. Not the little sports like powderpuff or soccer (no offense sis), but the sports like Football and Rugby. But my highschool doesn't let girls play those sports. So I get to play volleyball, soccer, and the oh-so fun one, Track. Someone kill me. My life isn't that bad though. I did lose my oldest sister, but I get to live with my older sister and her baby and her boyfriend! My gosh, those two have been together forever. I think it was somethin' like true love at first sight with them. Sadly, for me, I have never met anyone. Nope. Never a date in my life. ]
B3 QUii3T! [I have my belly button pierced, snake bites, and I have a secret tatoo on my ankle. No one knows about the bleeding heart.]
S0 CUT3 [When You See My Prince, Have Him Wake Me From My Sleep]
MY ALT3R3G0 [Youngest Sister]ii ALS0 G0 BY[WhO aM i ReAlY]
Jayybirrd · Mon Jun 18, 2007 @ 04:35pm · 0 Comments |