Okay today I'm just bored. I've spend all day doing a million page long report on why I'm "against abortion". Sucky part, I'm not. I'm pro-choice. But teacher obviously didn't see a problem in assigning us opinions as well as projects. What a republican. (No offense to you republicans out there, I'm just a democrat) And on top of that it has to be in Spanish. The big problem? Yo no speak-o spanish-o. Ok, yo hablo espanol, pero no me gusta hablo espanol. Stupid-o b*****d-o. Wow, I like to write like that...um...-o.
Nerdvana Community Member |
Community Member
My personal opinion is that it should be mother's choice.
I would personally hate to have a child if I was raped or something.
Oh, you look just like he did when he f***** me that one night! How....cute? lol
I have a weird "thing" for spanish guys..........Jesse De Silva is MINE!!!!! lol
no comment........ sweatdrop