The man put his head to one side. "What, do you not understand the simple intricasies of our function in the world?" I sat, confused. "Are you asking me whether or not I know why we're all here?" The man laughed. "Exactly!" I thought, hard, and after a long pause, spoke. " each other? To preserve the environment? To love?" The man leapt to his feet and smacked the table with an open palm. "WRONG!" he shouted. "DEAD WRONG!" He brushed a stray lock of his blond hair out of his face before continuing. "We are here, dear sir, to serve the purpose of a deity. We created them to fulfill our own destinies, to give our wretched, puny lives meaning and worth. You were born with the power of a god, so why not be one? Use your powers, and the world will be yours.