• The air was thin, silent and unwelcoming.

    Death knocked at her door.
    But there was no answer.
    Death spoke from beyond the door.
    Her ears covered and eyes tearful.
    Death yelled, growled, scratched and clawed.
    Making its presence known.
    She hid away in her mind which was flowing with countless thoughts of darkness.

    Let me in, it said...

    Never once showing a sign of weakness to others.
    Never bothering anyone with her problems.
    Never letting the inside get through the surface.

    Fighting a war with her own demons...

    Death with no effort tore open the door.
    She was still breathing but not living.
    Death grinned and whispered negativity into her ear.
    She nodded and squeezed her eyes shut.
    Death got a hold of her.
    She was no more, a mere vessel of fate.

    Death knocked at her door.
    But there was no answer.