• I'm not really
    Rejecting reality
    I'm not really here
    am I?
    AM I?
    AM I lost in between an infinite void and a paradox
    far away from the human construct?
    the mind of majority
    surely didn't fall unto me

    why should I
    accept what is "real"?
    what is told
    not mine
    not mine
    not mine
    it's not mine
    not my language
    nor MY reality

    if a thing at all
    it's a sludge jamming up the gears

    why should I
    why should I
    I'm not really
    I'm not really here
    am I?
    surely not

    I'm not really
    Rejecting reality
    I'm not really here
    am I?
    AM I?
    I'm not really here
    am I?
    surely not

    AM I lost in between an infinite void and a paradox
    far away from the human construct?
    the mind of majority
    surely didn't fall unto me

    habitual rejection
    near impossible
    and sans a choice
    closer to Thanatos than your fantasy
    so blind but so "real" not to see

    why should I
    accept what is "real"?
    what is told
    not mine
    not mine
    not mine
    it's not mine
    not my language
    nor MY reality
    my reality?

    ~Lyn B. Meline