• Indecency
    Overcoming me
    How small do we seem
    Hidden beneath
    The sky unending
    How necessary
    Can we possibly be

    Unseen from above
    Unaware of what's to come
    Unable to see
    It has already begun

    Broken off at the bone
    Alone in a world that we call home
    The end is near
    We just can't see it from here

    A breath is taken to subside
    The emptiness that lives inside
    We try so hard to disregard
    A past that has broken open (opened) our scars
    We try so hard to believe our lie
    To disregard our wasted time
    But we will never rid our mind
    Of what we have seen with our own eyes

    Overcoming me
    So small we all seem
    How necessary
    Can we possibly be
    Hidden beneath
    The sky unending