• What defines depression? What defines happiness?
    They start from the same place: the brain
    Take a journey to the heart
    what changes?
    Happy people judge
    depressed people envy.
    too stuck to activate change.

    If death stops the cycle, invite the reaper in.
    let him caress your soul and take it.
    make hell your home
    people say that's where suicide leads you.

    When does everything go wrong?
    When did everything go wrong
    what can anyone do to make it right?
    Who has the answer?

    Once the idea is planted, you can drown it, dry it up
    even under fighting conditions, the seed still grows.
    a weed take the place of a wild flower.
    the crab grass multiplies, killing your heart, your mind, you.

    What right does a happy person have to judge?
    no right until you've tasted death's seduction.

    Cutters, drinkers, druggies, suicidals, when will people notice?
    they want happiness like you, but can only find it artificially.
    The closest thing to life a dead man can seem to find.

    How can you expect so much strength when you've never had to use yours?
    become a living dead person
    does your definition of depression remain untainted?