• So many hearts I've hurt
    So many eyes I've broken
    So many people I've disappointed

    I slip through the cracks on the floor
    Dancing my way through broken glass and concrete
    My heart slowing with each leak

    You rush to my side but it's too late
    I fell down a rabbit hole I can't leave
    Left you a note of heartbreak
    Left your ring by the bench when you turned away

    So many times I made you angry
    So many times you would punch and yell
    So many times I was scared

    You cry about the fact I'm gone
    I can hear you next to me
    Your tears on my skin
    The words flowing from your mouth
    "Why did you do this to me? I loved you, I wanted to marry you someday..."

    I wish to take back what happened
    Heal the cuts on my body
    Heal the scars on my heart
    Heal the bruises of a broken heart