• How easy to love.
    So precious to take.
    My heart dripping in your hands.
    I gave you my heart.
    So delicate you say,
    Yet so harshly you torture me.
    So innocently you do this.
    As I wonder why,
    I still forgive.
    You sit and feel sorry for yourself,
    And I take pleasure in your guilt.
    But I feel bad for you too,
    I comfort you so kindly.
    My soul is tied to you.
    You say you miss me,
    You say you need me.
    Though you do this so ignorantly,
    You'll even admit.
    You say I don't understand or don't get it,
    But in reality it is your fear that blinds the truth.
    I love you so much,
    I put you before me so easily.
    It is your happiness I care most about.
    I suffer even now to keep you happy.
    Even if I were to be phisically dying,
    I'd make sure you were happy away from me.
    I am dying even now,
    You don't see this, for just being able to see you smile,
    That is all I care about.
    To hear you laugh,
    That is all I need.
    I am forever yours...