• Have you ever felt so sure about something, that no metter how wrong it was to others, they couldn't change your mind?
    Do you ever feel so attached to someone that no matter how many times you get rid of them, you'd always go back to them in the end.
    Have you ever liked someone, so much, that you wanted to tell yourself you hated him to avoid crumbling to the floor?
    I always have to hide who I really am in front of different people, sometimes I forget who I really am inside.
    No matter what, I can't be myself or else no one would like me. No one would care.
    Sometimes I just want to die because of all the things I feel for him.
    Hatered, love, happiness, sorrow, envy, everything...
    But I know dying won't solve anything, so I just go on living my meaningless life.
    I know, no one would care if I were to dissapear, let alone die.