• One thing I hate about school,
    is the hate.
    We hate the kids that can't color inside the lines.
    We hate the kids that don't follow the rules.
    We hate the kids that aren't like us.
    We hate people that aren't perfect.

    Grade school, innocent and free.
    We are guided with a helping hand to color inside the lines,
    but we outcast thoes how can't.
    Scribbler became my name at my table.
    Its not my falut that I was born permature.
    I was the only one that could read my crooked hand writing.
    I was the only one that could understand my slurred speech.
    When I look back, I think everyone was jealous that I could leave
    in the middle of the day to meet with my speech teacher and phsycian.

    Once sixth grade hits, the hand becomes a punishing tool.
    The place we were so exticed to see is our hell.
    We are taught to count in our heads and not on our hands.
    Rejected for my creavity, my love of the arts.
    I didn't chose to dress like a slut.
    I was the only girl drummer in the band and played my own beat,
    but my peers would hide my sticks and stomp in the head.
    The adults that were supposed to protect and love the students as their own,
    turned a blind eye.
    I drifted away for my own safety,
    learning that it was a dragon eat dragon world.

    In high school, I'm safe,
    but I still see and hear the same things.
    Disrespect has turned into my pet peeve.
    Every where people are being casted down
    for everything.
    The color of the skin isn't right.
    Striving above the class, while the rest dangle behind.
    The men and women we are supposed to respect,
    are nothing but another nagging parent.
    College is for losers and you have to be STRAIGHT,
    not LGBT.

    Seeing all these attacks around me, makes me want to scream.
    I want to stand on my desk and yell this poem at the top of my lungs
    followed by a loud, "SO, SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP!"
    Why can't we get along for every gods' sake?
    Could we stop the hate for a little,
    and maybe then I'll stop hating school.