• Grandfather

    Where are these men taking you?
    I want to come with you,
    No! don't push me away!
    Why are you being put in an ambulance?
    I'm scared grandfather!

    Why are you lying there in a hospital bed?
    Why is your face flushed and pale?
    I'm scared!
    There's needles coming out of you,
    Blood is being drawn from you,
    Why are they doing this to you?

    What is cancer grandfather?
    Why is it hurting you?
    I don't want you to die,
    You can't die,
    I love you.

    Why can't you open your eyes?
    Why aren't you breathing?
    Why are nurses rushing to you?

    These nurses believe your dead,
    Their silly,
    You're right here talking to me,
    But your body lays motionless.

    Why is your body in a casket?
    You're sitting next to me yet your body lays motionless.

    Why is uncle crying?
    Why can't he see you?
    He is given a flag from your days in the military,
    He cries as he grasps the flag.

    Can you hear the guns fire behind me?
    Why are they shooting?
    Why are they putting your casket in the ground?
    No! Grandfather!
    Don't leave!

    Where did you go?
    I miss you!
    Come back grandfather!...