Wash away the pesticides of the day and slip into that sweet dreamless liquid. My thoughts are washed away by that cold water splashed upon my face and I, without further thought close my eyes to the polluted stars and breath life into a world unknown.
That world springs out within minutes creeping in slowly at first, like ivy to the side of a house. Then all at once it takes hold strangling the reality, killing the common sense. All that's left to grasp upon is the frail imagination, who takes your hand with a gentle smile and shows you worlds of unknown.
I follow this imagination, letting it guide me without fear. It can not hurt me, It will not hurt me. Just make my dreams come true. Then all at once it happens, it runs away with a certain fear. That fear is the light which, steadily erases the world. I to run from it all to find that I can not escape. Giving the last sorrowful goodbye to that imagination, I open my eyes only to be blinded my the day. I have returned to reality. My sense is now reborn. Leaving my world crumbling in the sheets, I leave for my day never returning till night again.
Just something I thought up will riding at night.
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