• Re-Birthday

    You wouldn’t hear me.
    You wouldn’t see me.
    I was trapped in this darkness
    Trying to find forgiveness
    Tears after tears
    It fell like waterfall.
    Soon you hear me...
    Then the voice echoes
    Talking towards me
    A sin that could never be cleared
    The darkness spins around me
    I scream madly
    That’s when I remember that voice
    It echoes in my head
    Her and his voice
    “Your sin will never be forgiven from me girl, all eternity you’ll suffer for your sin.”
    I will throw away my tears

    Running was all you could do
    For my tears and pain I stayed
    Facing you was all I could do
    Putting all the blames only on me
    Funny these chains won’t break on their own
    My hand is cuffed in red handcuff
    It’s the blood of someone’s wound
    My leg is cuffed in blue chains
    It’s the teas of someone I know…
    Slowly I sing a song…
    "Ru ri ra ru ri ra," a soft melody
    That can be a lullaby

    Slowly he could hear her cry
    Time has pass for them for so long
    He wouldn’t forgive her.
    Her once shining voice covered by sorrow.
    One day I notice
    She was searching for that missing piece of the letter
    A missing piece of a lullaby
    That had his meaning of forgiveness

    “If you can run free the light will shine,” Finally the missing piece of his message

    Quietly you will talk to her once more.
    “Remember your sin can’t be tolerated”
    Your tears will stop someday
    You will speak once more
    The red handcuff will fall and the wound will heal
    “You’re reborn from now it’s your birthday”
    The blue shackles falls those tears will stop.
    “From now on it’s your life can start with a new birth”
    White will slowly cover over the darkness.
    Soon we will meet again