• I saw once a toy soldier,
    he had eyes that split oceans in two,
    he was my protecter, my pation, my very rage,
    It was this toy soldier that leads me into battle today,
    it is with this battle that i can show change,
    that i can show destinction,
    that i can save my self,
    from eternal damnation,

    My toy soldier, my mother read aloud
    is a man of peace, and yet a man of regret
    My toy soldier fights battles that he does not know
    He fights because the world does not revolve around him
    He fights because this toy soldier,
    this soldier who has killed in the name of me,
    and my fathers father, and his father,
    and his father after him.

    My family a family of toy soldiers
    who were once made of gold (renaissance)
    and played by kings
    then made of holy silver (the crusades)
    and played by preists
    then made of lead (WWII)
    and then played by the president
    and then the last toy soldeir,
    the last toy soldeir on this planet, was made of plastic
    and this toy soldeir was played by me.