• In the salsify mains
    of what was thoughtful and sad
    all the calcified arhythmatists
    were doing the math.

    And it would take a calculated blow to the head to
    blind the eyes of all the harmless sociopaths.

    Arm in Arm we are the harmless sociopaths.
    arm in arm with all the harmless sociopaths

    Calcium mines you buried deep in your chest.
    the calcium mines you buried deep in your chest.

    you're deep in a mine,
    a calcium mine

    Lets get out of here
    past the atmosphere,
    squint your eyes and no one
    dies or goes to jail,
    past the silver bridge
    oh the silver bridge
    wearing nothing but a
    one-sie and a veil.

    you're deep in a mine,
    a calcium mine

    Arm in arm we are the harmless sociopaths.
    arm in arm with all the harmless sociopaths
    In the calcium mines buried deep in your chest.
    the calcium mines buried deep in your chest.

    you're deep in a mine,
    a calcium mine

    So lets get out of here
    past the atmosphere,
    squint your eyes and no one
    dies or goes to jail,
    past the silver bridge
    oh the silver bridge
    wearing nothing but a
    one-sie and a veil.