• She is wrong when she speaks
    yet she stands strong in her skin
    she believes she is worthless
    yet she lives life day by day

    childhood brought pain and suffer
    yet she pushes on to get over it
    childhood hit and abused her
    yet she accepts it and moves on with her life

    drugs brought her fear and violence
    yet she used each day hoping to die
    drugs brought her family to pieces
    yet she used to bring them together

    parents brought her violence and anger
    yet she lied for them to save them from problems
    parents brought her drugs and confusion
    yet she stayed when she knew it was wrong

    rehab brought emotions and truth
    so she stayed and tryed to get better
    rehab brought a clear mind and new person
    so she got clean and moved on with her new life

    though she doesnt know what the future may hold
    she pushes on and tries her best
    because thats all she can do
    and its working out for the best so far