• She tortures me, telling me of her deeds with "Him".
    She knows i loved her, and yet she still hurts me over and over.
    Telling me we can still be freinds, then rubbing the fact i loved her in my face.
    This is the last time, you've made your choice, i'll disappear.
    You bring me down, i try to be the man, but i have feelings too.
    I'd love to be so cold hearted that even ice fears the frost bite.
    But everytime i try, i fall for you again.
    That dazziling smile, and how you make me feel.
    But then, you slowly end that feeling, twisting the knife.
    Why do i chase you down? Why do you knock me down everytime i do?
    I try to hate you, but you won't allow it.....or is that my cowerdice.
    I don't want to lose you, and yet i do.
    You make me feel like jumoing from the highest ledge.
    Do you enjoy tormenting me from the inside?
    I can't get you out of my head, or my heart.
    I feel if i yank you out of my heartm there will be a painful scar left behind.
    Everyday, i feel like i'm losing myself to you, and i may regret it.
    You are to wild, i can't keep up, chasing you around everywhere.
    This has to stop, i need to forget about you.
    You make my heart break, and when i repair it best i can, you do it again.
    I can't do this anymore, i would rather be alone, then be hurt.
    So i will be alone. . . . .Forever, and not have to endure this pain ever again.
    I will not sacrifice myself for your benefit again.
    I don't see the same person in your eyes sometimes.
    When you talk to "Him" you call me Nothing, am i nothing?
    Right now as i sit here, fighting tears from rolling down my cheeks.
    I do everything to keep my mind off of you, for you will be the death of me.
    No! Not if i can help it, I want to rewind the time i have wasted on just a Freind
    I want everything back, and i don't want to Remember YOU anymore.
    You drive me I N S A N E ! ! !
    But why do i feel like i can't live without you?
    No more, i don't want this anymore!
    I want to dream of never meeting you!
    That on that fateful day we just walked past eachother, not a word.
    And i want that dream to be eternal!
    Please! Don't wake me up!
    I want to slip away!
    Slip away from reality!
    Slip away from this World!
    Slip away....... From you.
    And i might think about it.
    You will only be that thing i feel like i forgot.....in my dreams.
    Please. . . . My heart can't bear this anymore.
    Vanish from my WORLD!
    I will stay in MY World!
    Closed off from anyone who can hurt me.
    My world of Solitary bliss.
    My World without YOU!!!!
    . . . . Never again shall i love.