• I want to ride on an angel wing.
    Steal a star out of the Milky Way;
    The only one you might call yours.
    I want to see the future so I could change it,
    Bring it back around to see your face again.
    I want to never break,
    Because what if I can’t find all the pieces,
    Shattered into a mirror of what I’m so afraid of?

    I want to split a sunbeam in twain,
    I want to devour a lifetime of laughter:
    To live in someone else’s shoes,
    So I can compare their stink to my own,
    And maybe for once say without faith
    “You can never know another.
    You could never weather your brother’s corrosion.”

    I want to root out your sting.
    Catch you up with a cloud, right now, today,
    So you could hear when I see the final scores.
    I want to slip through a new slit,
    So I can see what I looked like when
    I think I knew what was at stake.
    Not so far I’d see my own creases...
    Wait, what was I so afraid of?

    I want to see where demons go when slain,
    So that it could reveal everything before and after,
    Every event, every beautiful woman, every broken law.
    But – as according to the prophecy! – I can’t force it and not lose...
    How do I win, if I can’t repay the loan?
    So instead I just float through, a wraith.
    That star my hand will never smother.
    But it’s certainly something to think on.