• "Cease To Be"

    By: onyxdragonflyy, Dragons Willow, & Mienaku


    Later martyrs that have passed me not, believe in the folk tales that liars forgot
    Their tongues twisted so, relinquishing the blow, that smothered alive is better off dead
    Wait for me not, my prince said of thieves, for your time to come to speak of these deeds


    Further the twisted and tattered up truths, for bodies of beloved can provide no proof
    The wasted youths of greed bring not, that petty quarrel, the sane have sought
    For now this reign loose tongues embowel, a bitter sweet scent, a history most foul


    Unending despair most sheltered with fraught, guards hearts against lies that the old have taught
    Withering vines taste of this fruit, to teach of the voice that the blind would be mute
    Barren this and bled of musk, the eyes sink back in a land amidst dusk


    Hidden, begotten, what lies to be forgotten, caters to hearts of those not rotten
    Like love that can die, and pride that can hide, hope is a valley that's drunken 'til gone
    Believe in me, my prince said of thieves, for who else if nothing can relinquish these deeds


    Trust the beheaded, leave no understanding, this child of death and destruction unending
    We beat our chests, dance with deadly intentions, but bring not forth a world with no superstition
    Come to an end foul reign of bloodless banter, open my wounds to embowel this my soul hungry enchanter


    Condemnation of lust to break of the ties, beneath burdens of truth kept within lies
    Soul full of stench decaying and rotted, trapped by the hearts of the heavily besotted
    Martyrs of youths of princes have sought, yet cage within the mind that death hath wrought



    ninja thanks for reading! this was a collaboration of the 3 Amigos...aka, me, mienaku, and onyxdragonflyy. you can find this, the original poem at: http://www.fictionpress.com/u/456791/Dragons_Willow

    please comment and let me know what you thought! punctuation is what it is or isn't. thanks again!!!