• Respect.
    Don't tell your elders what to do, even though you know far better the tasks before you.

    The entire range of human emotion cannot fit into fear or love.

    We are traveling somewhere but there the cold isn't what it is here. They bundle up for every storm and every wave that washes over is not even like the deep breath of a drowning man. Here we can breathe. But don't hold your breathe that breathing is assured anywhere. It's not like you're just waiting for the next bus to come to take you away to some mystical land. It's not like you're passing the time until your companion comes to you. You're sitting. You're waiting. Start living and stop dying. I'm sick of it. Such vanity leads to nothing.

    'That's a right purdy corpse there.'

    Yeah. It is. Sad thing is, it's not dead. At least not on the outside. Yet.