• I really wish that you could see
    All the pain inside of me
    I love you more than life itself
    And I need you,
    More than anything else

    I want you more than the air I breathe
    I need you more than anything needs me
    Except for you, if you’re the way you say
    When you need me, I’ll always stay

    I love your eyes
    And the beauty they own
    Even more than any jewel or precious stone

    My love for you even extends
    Unto the most far universe,
    And further, to it’s ends

    As it stretches so very far
    It leaves a gapping hole, and horrid scars
    On anything that comes between
    The destined paths for you and me

    To add on to this, I even will say
    I love your body, each and every way
    It’s great built for my desire
    Though, if I’m not careful, it could set lots of fires

    One more detail
    To this I must add
    Your hair, I love
    No matter how it is “bad”

    I love you so much
    Every part of you is keen
    And one day for me
    It all will be seen

    For now, I’ll live with
    Your personality, and being friends with

    For it I love,
    More than all the rest
    Because it is the part for which I confess
    That I have indeed fallen for,
    And will never lose grasp
    It is the part I cherish
    The part that shows your best

    Your best is not perfect
    But much more than I’d expect
    Therefore, it is perfect for me
    And I’ll give it even more respect

    As I think of what you’ve endured
    Just to make it this far
    As I think of all the cuts,
    And all of the broken scars

    I forgive you of them all
    Because even I’ve taken that fall
    I’ve taken the quick way out
    And it left all the pain for which you pout

    “I’m sorry” I do say once more
    For having done that which I had
    And not bearing what should’ve been bore

    I promise I’m doing much better
    And will never again resort
    To those inflictions that I’d once gave in to
    And will never again restore

    I forgive myself for the past
    As I look towards the future
    I usually try not to look back
    For fear of losing my path on the tracks

    A great joy I feel
    Every time I’m near you
    I know for my future
    I will always be near, too

    While I love every part of you
    I’ll dearly admit
    My heart moves closer to
    Every part of you it can get

    Your breath stale with beauty
    Your heart purer than diamond
    Your eyes shining like sapphire
    Your hair perfect as it’s lighten
    Your aura masonic as vampires
    Your body more perfect than gold
    Your personality more fun than star-gazing
    Your life is blessed---more than known

    I know this to be true
    When I give my love to you
    I share something new
    But yet it is not so new

    For it is as old
    As time itself
    It’s more philosophical
    More than anything else

    It’s called “true love”
    Quite pure as it is
    It shows us the best in life
    And allows us to love
    For as long as we both shall live