• Optimistic Green

    I hung that frame
    On her alter by the corner
    Tried setting her ablaze
    And watch these thoughts fade
    Only maybe for a little while

    Unreasonable towards my ability to forget
    Moving onwards with one foot,
    Staying one foot upon pasts
    Standing before her trapped image,
    In fixation and anticipation

    And I hung myself next,
    To what should have been ashes
    Stubborn and hiding,
    In a hole above the ground
    Was I that ignorant

    Stuck like glue, to my ignorance
    I couldn't change, but tried,
    Tried so hard to,
    Escape my pathetic self-concerned form
    Ultimately leaving me barren

    So optimistic and sick green
    A nice dream, engraved by images
    Stapled on the walls
    Sleeping sober from love,
    But drunk with a deprivation,
    Of what love used to be