• I'm only one person, what can I do?!
    What can I do? I don't know what to do?
    If that's what you believe.

    "You are what you consume"
    It's as true with food as it is with ideas.
    If you believe there's no way, there's no way.
    If you believe there's nothing you can do, then you're right.
    If you believe you're hopeless, then you're right.

    There's always hope, help, and something or someone that'll help you.
    Or at least most times, you just have to look for it.
    I'm always hearing people saying they can't do anything when a situation to help comes up.
    Ya, well, if that's what you believe, then you're right.

    Why don't you get rid of your pride.
    Help others instead of just sitting there twiddling your thumbs like an idiot!
    And those that are infected with indifference, stop imagining as if there's nothing wrong.
    Start helping out!
    If everyone spent 15 minutes a day volunteering, mentoring, teaching a skill someone else may not have, or just helping people with everyday issues, and not scheme and plot and destroy,
    I'd bet this world would be much better to live on.
    If everyone helped instead of harmed, this world would be nearly perfect.
    But they won't because of their pride or hate, or ignorance.
    If everyone tried instead of just sat there not knowing what to do, we'd all be better off.

    Because in my book, a desire to do good and courage is all you need to help.
    A desire to do good to help and courage to say 'screw you' to anyone who stands in your way. xd