• If I could talk to you
    I'd tell you of things that are to happen

    Things sad

    Things good

    I'd tell you the great friends
    you are to meet

    People fantastic

    People funny

    I'd try to pull you out of the suicidal days
    Days of destruction and hurt

    Mind suicidal

    Young suicidal

    The mistakes that you will make
    Will seem like nothing

    some regrettable

    some devastating

    I'd tell you not to get that stupid haircut
    The one that made you look like a boy

    Humiliating times

    Saddening times

    I'd say to spend all the time you have with Candice
    You won't see her for quite some time

    Candy friend

    Best friend

    I'd tell you so many things
    Your head will explode

    Many pieces

    Many missing

    Much missing the childhood that will never come back.