• I see you
    I don't know if you can see me
    I feel a surge of love when I see you
    If only I can tell you...
    But I'm afraid of your reaction!
    *sighs* If only I could speak
    Tell you my real feelings
    But I'm nothing but a sprit
    Dead... Bodyless
    I do not haunt you
    I come to see
    How your life is
    How you are
    I miss your voice
    And mostly
    Talking to you
    I must go...
    I dont want to
    I wish you could see me!
    To talk to me
    To hear my voice
    But you hardly knew me
    But I feel such emotions for you!
    We were not consider friends
    Just people who knew each other
    Pick out each other in a crowd
    Know each other's voices...
    I wish I could tell you
    But I am nothing but a sprit...
    Good-bye, Love